It was true. With the Vanishing Cabinet still no where near completion Draco spent countless sleepless nights thinking about the Vanishing Cabinet and what would happen if he didn't complete it in time. 

Draco took Zoë's hand off his cheek and held it tight. "Only if you promise me you will rest as well." Zoë looked up, a heavy sigh leaving her body. 

"I promise."


Hogwarts Castle. May 8, 1997

Zoë hadn't returned to the office since that day, nor has she talked to her uncle either. She ditched the Room of Requirements two days after she arrived.

It was late at night on April 24th when she knocked on a door.

The man stepped out in his night wear, eyes widening when he realized who was at his door. He quickly took hold of Zoë, bring her inside.

Severus Snape looked at the girl before he spoke, scanning her clothes that have clearly not been washed in a while, the bones poking out of her cheeks, and the huge bags formed under her red eyes. In silence he guided her through his room, reaching a small spot that had a couch and fireplace in it. He sat her down before leaving to get her some tea.

The silence in the room was odd to Zoë. Although she was alone for two days, she had grown accustomed to the room being filled with her cries. Finally Severus brought in some tea and offered it to Zoë, before sitting down across from her.

"Albus showed Harry the memory of when my father was killed."

Severus opened his mouth to say something, but shut it immediately after hearing those words. It was so secret to Severus that Albus was showing old memories to Harry as lessons. Albus told him a while back. However, he never knew that Albus would show that memory.

Although Severus realized its purpose as soon as he heard what had happened, he couldn't tel Zoë.

Instead he looked at the girl, who hadn't even taken a sip from her tea. 

"He also told him things he has never told me before. Does he not trust me?"

Severus stayed silent, not knowing how to answer without saying something he can not say.

Finally Zoë looked up, her dull eyes reaching Severus's

"Thank you."


"Thank you for saving him."

Ever since that night Zoë stayed in the room, occupying the couch next to the fireplace. Despite its warmth, Zoë felt cold every day.

On May 8th, Severus gave Zoë a potion.

"Take it. You haven't been sleeping lately and you need your rest." Zoë took the cup of potion and drank it, finally feeling the sensation of sleep she hadn't had in a long time. Severus placed a kiss on her forehead and bid her farewell before making his way through the halls for dinner. 

Meanwhile Harry Potter was already on his way to a certain bathroom, seeing Draco Malfoy's name over it, along with Moaning Myrtle, in the Marauder's Map.

When Harry arrived at the bathroom door, he was Draco standing with his hands clutching the sides of the sink.

"Tell me what's wrong..." Moaning Myrtle said. "...I can help you..."

"No one can help me." Malfoy interjected. "I can't do it...if I doesn't work...he said he'd kill me..." Harry saw in shock that Draco was crying. His body shock had his cried loud, his tears landing inside the sink. Tears still flowing, Draco looked up at the mirror, spotting Harry. He turned around, taking out his wand and casting a hex that barely missed Harry. The two throw hexes and jinx back and forth, with Moaning Myrtle screaming at both of them to stop. The spells hit nearby objects and explosions to occur in between the battle. 

Water started to fill the bathroom. Draco pointed his wand once more at Harry.



Instantly Malfoy fell backwards, blood leaving from his face and chest. Slipping and staggering, Harry made his way to Draco, blood seeping from all over his upper body.

"No---no I---"


Regret washed over Harry as Snape rushed into the bathroom, looking down at the injured Draco. Snape placed his wand over Draco, performing a counter-curse. The wounds began to stopping their flow of blood the more Snape repeated the spell. After the third one, he lifted Draco up on his feet, supporting the best her could.

"You need the hospital wing. There might be scarring but if we act fast we might avoid that." They passed a horrified Harry, walking to the bathroom door. 

"And you, Potter...You wait here for me."

Harry couldn't move either way, so he stood still, waiting for the professor to come back. 

Harry could only stare at the mess he made. Water still spread across the bathroom floor, only this time-

The water was red.

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