62. A special gift🎁

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''You have a terrace?!'' Mira asked beaming.

''Sshhh! Keep it low miss!'' Vikranth said walking in front. He had brought Mira to the terrace in their apartment that night after the Gopals were asleep. Sneaking out was a challenge given that Sri was still awake, so Vikranth had to maintain the lie about helping Mira with the presentation (which was already over) to him, not that Sri did mind or anything, in fact he just shrugged his shoulders casually and went back to staring on his iPad.

The terrace was relatively smaller than the one at Mira's place in Kochi, as it was packed with clothing lines and pot plants everywhere. Mira and Vikranth had to duck through a lot of clothing lines to reach the front end of the dimly-lit terrace, where there was a big wooden swing set.

Apparently, it belonged to the Gopals but since their balcony was too small, they had to place it here which meant that the other residents also ended up using it. Vikranth told Mira that it caused a lot of unnecessary trouble until the Gopals just gave in and let everyone use it, most of which were kids. Luckily, at night time the swing was not occupied.

As Mira sat down, Vikranth took out a mosquito coil and a lighter. He lit it and placed it gently on the floor beside the swing before sitting down.

''I'm impressed, someone's all prepared.'' Mira said.

Vikranth chuckled and said, '' Yea. The mosquitoes here are brutal!'', Mira laughed.


Mira was already liking the terrace. The air was filled with a light breeze and the faint sound of crickets or other insects at night filled the silence. The lighting was just right, not too dark and enough to see Vikranth's expressions. A moment of silence followed before Vikranth recalled and said,

''Oh yea! I have something for you.'' he said reaching into his pockets. Mira wondered what it was and her heartbeat grew faster. Vikranth pulled out a blue organza gift bag and placed it in Mira's hands. 

''What's this?''

''Open it.'' he said scratching the back of his head.

Mira opened the bag to find a beautiful pair of  silver anklets. 

''Wow! They're beautiful.'' Mira said. She had never thought that Vikranth would gift her anklets. As she admired the anklets, he said,

''I bought them last week from a shop near our place.''

Mira smiled and continued to admire the anklets until she noticed something. There was a heart-shaped metal piece at the hook of the anklets where, two very small letters 'M' & 'V' were engraved inside the heart-shaped metal piece.

''Oh my god! It says M & V!'' Mira said in revelation.

''No! Really?!'' Vikranth mocked. Mira stared at Vikranth in surprise and asked, ''Wait...you did this right?''

Vikranth let out a chuckle and said before winking, ''Just got it a l'il customised.'' 

He then told her about this very small jewelry store nearby that customised their jewelry on  request. Mira still couldn't believe that Vikranth had bought her a customised pair of anklets! How romantic! Mira couldn't control her excitement and decided to put them on that very instant and reached for her feet.

''May I..?'' Vikranth gestured to her feet. Mira's eyes widened in surprise when he asked her to put them on for her which made Vikranth scratch the back of his head awkwardly and say,

''I mean-only if it's okay?-''

''Yea.'' Mira said and nodded smiling. She noticed the happiness reach his eyes, they were sparkling.❤️

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