32. What's Cooking?🍝

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Mira turned around to find Vikranth in a big black coat over his work attire. She tilted her head slightly and gave a disappointed stare.

''Mira I'm really sorry'' Vikranth said as they both started walking, with Mira pacing slightly faster than Vikranth.

''Vikranth, do you know how long I've been waiting here?! I mean why did you commit to us meeting today if it was so hard for you to make it on time?! I've been waiting for over thirty minutes in the cold...''

''I know and I'm sorry, it's just Abhi was going to join us tonight and he backed out last minute for some reason and that's why I had to drop him off first...''

Mira was still angry and looked down at her feet as they walked. Vikranth quickly walked and stood in front of her, making Mira halt as well.

He rubbed his hands together and said with raised eyebrows, ''Okay...how about I make it up to you? What do you feel like doing?''

Mira gave him a quizzical look and asked, ''Uh--really? You mean right now?''

''Of course! We planned on celebrating today and you get to decide how we do it...''

''Umm...it's okay Vikranth, it's already quite late and plus-''

''Mira...just say it, anything! Is there anywhere you wanna go or-''

''I wanna go up there...'' Mira said looking up at a historic clock tower in front of her. It was located in the center of the marketplace, with a small balcony on top, the sight of which made Mira wonder what the view would be like from there. They had stopped walking now. Mira turned to Vikranth who was also looking up at the clock tower and frowned before he said,

''Um-yea-that can be arranged...I guess...'' he said with doubt and scratched the back of his head.

Mira was smitten by this apologetically desperate side of Vikranth and let out a small laugh before saying, ''Hey Vicks, it's fine. I was kidding, besides I don't even think we can go up there-''

Before she finished, Mira felt ice-cold droplets on her hand. The droplets began to increase in number and were getting bigger. Within a matter of minutes, the rain started to pour. Vikranth nudged Mira towards his car as they rapidly walked and got in.

''Great!''Mira said as she wiped her jacket and hair, both of which were damp. Mira always hated the rain, no matter what. She hated it even more when it was romanticized in novels and movies. After all, it caused nothing more than inconvenience and discomfort. And tonight, it had poured over their plans as they could no longer walk to the restaurant. She turned to Vikranth who asked in concern,

''You okay?''

''Yea, it's just I hate the rain, not really fond of it.''

''Yea, I noticed when we were outside...'' Vikranth said.

A moment of silence followed before Vikranth asked, ''So...not the kind of night you expected huh?''

''Nope.'' Mira said. ''So...what's the plan?''

''Right...the pizza place?'' Vikranth suggested

''In the rain?'' Mira asked. It had gotten much worse now as the rain was pouring.

''We'll drive there and-''

''Yea...but we still have to walk from the parking. Do you have an umbrella?''

Vikranth searched the back-seat before he said, ''Nope.''

''So...any ideas?'' Vikranth asked.

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