61. A Hopeless Romantic💞

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Mira rang up her mother to inform her about reaching Chennai after overfed by Padma aunty with lunch. Padma aunty was a lot like her own mother, she was always running around, active and cooked delicious food. Today, she had made rice, rasam, sambar, potato fry, and two other side dishes all for Mira who felt bad for not being able to eat all the food. Padma aunty joked that she wanted Mira to increase her intake and weight before leaving Chennai. 

Mira helped Padma aunty clear up in the kitchen after the boys had lunch. She told Padma aunty about her conference which was the next day and gave her the name of the hotel where the conference would be held. Mira found out from Vikranth that the hotel was about 30 minutes away from their place and it was decided that he would drop her there the next morning. Mira insisted that she would take the cab because she didn't want Vikranth to wake up early just for her in the morning but Padma aunty refused to hear anything and said Vikranth was usually up in the morning as he would go to the sports complex nearby.


Sri was back with his old antics of tapping Mira's head from the back every now and then like he used to when they were young. Vikranth and Sri left for the sports complex, Mira learnt that they go twice a day to train and play basketball. So Mira spent the evening talking with Padma aunty about various topics like Preeti's wedding, shopping in Chennai and Sri's university. Soon, Gopal uncle arrived. Mira talked with him briefly too before heading to her room and doing some work in her laptop for the conference the next day.


Vikranth and Sri were back just before dinner time and joined Mira and their parents for dinner that night. After dinner, Mira went back to her room to get some work done. That was when she heard some loud voices from the living room. She heard Gopal uncle's voice first, followed by Padma aunty's voice, then Sri. She could only make out a few sentences from her room, and didn't dare to step out.

''...it's not fair! You didn't pressurise Vicky about studying further!'' Sri complained.

''His time was different! We had financial restrictions so it was best for him to get a job after his degree!'' Gopal said sternly

''But Dad...Mom! I don't wanna study after this!'' Sri whined.

''...he's already got so many job offers, just let him decide!'' Padma shouted.

''Padma! You know how difficult it's getting now for foreigners...? That's why I want you to study further...those jobs will not secure him with a career!'' Gopal said even loudly.

''I know but we can't-'' Padma argued.

''Only you have spoilt him like this!'' Gopal blurted out.

''What?!'' Padma asked.

Mira felt her heartbeat rise as she understood more of the argument which was now elevating between Padma and Gopal.

''...Your father is always blaming me! Does he not remember how I managed on my own when he was in some war-struck country!...always I'm the one to blame!'' Padma argued.

As much as she wanted to go to the living room, Mira decided to shut the door and mind her own business. It felt like the best thing to do.


Mira opened the door when the commotion in the living room had quietened down. She could still hear Padma aunty and Gopal uncle murmur every now and then. She stretched her arms after working on her laptop for a long time when Vikranth knocked on her door. Mira looked up to find him leaning against the door with a smile.


''Hi.'' Mira said smiling widely. She pretended that she didn't hear all the commotion earlier.

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