Chapter 55

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Mattia's POV

What am I thinking? Am i going to regret it?

No you won't

How do you know? Can I trust you? I mean...We?

Just trust me
I know the future

Now where do I go?

We are going to this abandoned building

What building? Is it far?

No not really
It's just a few blocks away from your school

"Wait. Theirs an abandoned building close to our school?" I said out loud. "There is?" Kairi asked. "Yeah you guys didn't know?" Alejandro spoke. "Oh shit my bad. I shouldn't have said that out loud" I said. "It's fine. We understand" Y/n said. I continued to drive to our location. "Are we there yet?" Alejandro's girl asked.


"Yes. It's a few blocks away from our school, Calm down" Alejandro and Me said at the same time. "Ew" we both said at the same time again. "Can you stop?" Both of us said at the same time again. "Bro!" We said at the same time again. "I like your eye" Alejandro finally said something different. "Finally" I said.

As you arrive to your location
Be careful
There's guards outside

But it's an abandoned building?

I know
That's how they do it
Cause they
Are stupid

I guess.

Make sure to park not far away from the abandoned building though


Cause this shits going to be dirty
Y'all are going to be running back with victory

"Love to hear that" my evil side says. "What? Your fucking mom moaning when you were little?" Alejandro said laughing. "Ew Alejandro, that's disgusting" Kairi said. "Shut up bitch" my normal side says. "We are here" I said. "Time to work" Y/n said.


We all got out of the car carefully so we don't get caught I guess. I parked in front of this  abandoned store that the abandoned building is behind it. We all checked if the view was clear and got closer to the building. It was rusty outside of he building, grass was fucking tall as fuck outside. It looks like an haunted building to be honest. The other houses where far from here so there's barely anyone out here. We got closer to the building and saw an door open. "Stay here as we get some "toys" for you. Brat" someone said inside of the building.

He's in there
Your brother

Now what? Do we just enter since the door is open?

No not yet
There's people coming from the right
Hide behind the garbage bin
All of you

"Guys someone's coming, we need to hide behind the garbage bin" I said as we ran behind the garbage bin but not that loud. We heard footsteps getting closer and closer then. It stopped. "What are we going to do with  this kid?" Someone asked. "I don't know. We can't kill him. But we do need information though." Someone said. "Get information from that little kid?" Someone said. "You don't know if he's smart" the person said. "My ass" the other said laughing. Y/n than started to giggle. "Shh" we all whispered to her. "What was that?" The person asked." I don't know. It's not the kid though" the other said. "how you know?" The other asked. "Because he only cries" they said. Then Y/n started to giggle again but loud enough for them to hear. "Y/n shut up" Kairi yell whispered at her and she kept giggling.

Los Dueños~Mattia PolibioWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt