Chapter 24

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We all arrived to the carnival and it was huge AS FUCK, so of course there was a lot of people. We all payed for our tickets and picked  some rollercoasters. "OOo let's go on this one, or this one!" Bestie keeps on saying looking at Alejandro and he had a stressed look on his face. "I'ma go eat some food,I'll be back" Kairi says while walking away from us. "Safe some for us bro!" Mattia screams looking at Kairi walking away. Kairi gave us a thumbs up and left. "Which roller coaster do you want to ride?" I ask to Mattia and he shrugged his shoulder. I looked everywhere and saw this huge ass roller coaster and it looked fun. I grabbed Mattia's hand and dragged him to the roller coaster. We sat down on the seat and buckled up. "Ready big boy Mattia!" I say getting ready for the roller coaster to begin moving. "I don't think I'm ready" Mattia says sounding like he was going to cry. I hold his hand tight and said "it's going to be fine, I'm here next to you" while laughing at him. He then nodded and then the roller coaster started moving slowly and going all the way up. Then we dropped down. Mattia was screaming like a 11 year old girl meeting Justin Beiber on meet and greet. I laughed so hard that I couldn't breath. I was screaming having fun. He squeezed his hand on mine and it hurted. "Mattia calm down! My hand hurts!" I say while laughing. "Omg I'm sorry" he says sounding like he was crying. The roller coaster stopped and we both got out of the roller coaster. "That was fun!" I screamed jumping up and down. "Yeah sure it was" Mattia says laughing a little. "Your such a baby" I say pushing him softly. "I'ma call Kairi and ask him were he at right now" Mattia says taking out his phone. "Alright" I say back looking everywhere. "He's not answering" Mattia says putting away his phone. "Maybe he's busy eating food" I say and we both laughed. "I wanna find him, wanna come with me?" Mattia asked looking at me. "I'll just stay here and wait, it wouldn't take that long" I say looking at him. "Alright bet, be careful" he says kissing my cheek. I nodded and went on my phone. Minutes past and I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Mattia did you finally found Kairi and his food?" I say turning around and facing... MARIANO! "Mariano what are you doing here?". "What do you want from me?" I ask and he grabbed my hand and dragged me outside of the carnival into the parking lot. He pushed me against the car door of his and got all touchy on me. I tried pushing him off but he was too strong again. "I'ma get the car ready" he says walking to inside of his car. "I'm not going anywhere with you" I say almost walking away but then he grabbed me and made me face him. "Call your boyfriend Mattia, and tell him that you are getting something from your car." He says letting go of my hand and sitting down his seat. I called Mattia and I heard his voice.

On the phone
Y/n & Mattia

Mattia~ Y/n where are you?

Y/n~ I'm at the parking lot and Mariano got me and I'm outside of his car and he told me to call you and tell you that I'm getting something from the car and he wants to take me somewhere but I don't know where though.

Mattia~ me and the group are coming. Don't do anything.

Y/n~ ok, please hurry

Call ended

I entered on Mariano's car and sat on he passenger seat. "What he say" Mariano asked me and I said "He's going to wait for me" is he Stoopid that I could also tell him everything?. I heard the car turn on and felt the car move slowly. The car then stopped moving and I saw the group in front of the car like super heroes. Bestie went up to Mariano's car door and opened it and dragged him outside, beating the fuck out of him. Alejandro helped her. Kairi was slashing the tires. I ran up to Mattia and jumped on him wrapping my legs around his waist. "Finally, thank you so much!" I say hugging him tight. "I thought I was going to die" I say looking at Mattia. "We are here for you Y/n" Mattia says and we leaned for a kiss. I jumped off from him and went to our car. The others came too. They all hugged me and we went to our house. I forgot that tomorrow we have school. Oh shit.

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