Chapter 41

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Y/n's POV

I woke up with the smell of bacon and eggs. OOo someone's cooking! I checked the time and it was 9:25am. Wow, I woke up early. I remember last night though, it was weird but it's not a big deal. Right? I was at my room alone and I swear Jenna was next to me since we fell asleep. I walked out of my room and Kairi ran past me. "Get back here Kairi!" I heard Alejandro yell. "No leave me alone you rat fuck!" Kairi yelled back. "What's going on?" I ask them. "Kairi stole my MOTHERFUCKING bacon!" Alejandro says. "Ok and you fat ass!" Kairi says. "Your the fat ass, you took everyone's food!" Alejandro says. "Can you guys calm down and stop fighting for food?" I say. "Then I'm stealing your lollipop from your room" Alejandro says going to Kairi's room. "No wait Alejandro! I'm sorry!" Kairi says running to his room. I started to laugh because they fight at everything. I checked if Besties awake and she wasn't at her room. Probably downstairs in the kitchen. I went to Mattia's room and he was still sleeping. I don't want to bother him so I'll let him sleep. I went downstairs to the kitchen and saw Jenna cooking breakfast. "Good morning Y/n!" Jenna says while flipping a pancake. "Good morning Jenna, I didn't know you can cook" I say to her and she started to laugh. "Would you want some bacon, eggs, pancake, fruits?" She asks me. "I'll get all of them since I didn't eat that much yesterday" I say to her. "Alright, working on it!" She says. "Thank you!" I say to her and she nodded. I went to the living room and saw bestie sitting on the couch watching the news. "Hey bestie! Good morning" I say to her. "Oh... Good morning" she says back. "What's on the news?" I ask her. "People are getting killed and kidnapped by these group of people last night" she says. Killed? Kidnapped? "Where?" I ask her. "In New Jersey close to our location" she says. New Jersey? Close to our location? Oh no. Is it what I'm thinking? "Los Dueños"? I know that we are next. "Hello? Y/n, you there?" Bestie says. "Oh I'm here, what happened" I say. "Didn't you hear me that the school emailed me saying that we need to go back to SCHOOL" she says. "Really?" I say. "Yeah, we need to go to school this week" she says. "We need to go to school tomorrow" she says. "What day it's tomorrow?" I ask. "It's Wednesday" she's says. Wow. Time goes fast now? "I guess" I say. "Y/n! Your food is ready!" Jenna says. "Coming!" I say walking to the kitchen. "Here's your food, enjoy!" Jenna says. "Looks yummy! Thank you" I thank her again. "No problem" Jenna says. "Well I need to go home because I have school tomorrow so... Hope you have a great day" she says. "Oh ok... Thanks for coming!" I say. "Thank you for inviting me, it was fun" she says. "Thanks, hope to see you at school" I say. "Alright bye" she says walking out of the house. "Finally she's gone" bestie says. "Who? Jenna?" I ask. "Yeah her, didn't Mattia told you about her?" She says. "Mattia? He didn't tell me nothing about her" I say. "Well apparently... They were both together last year for 5 months I guess, and he broke up with her because she cheated on him with some else. Ouch" she says. "They dated before I came?" I ask. "Yeah, that's why everyone was weird yesterday" she says. "Also he told me to tell you to stay away from her" she says. "Why?" I ask. "He didn't tell me, he just told me that" she says. I didn't even want to finish my food. I went to my room upstairs and sat on my bed. Stay away from her? What does that mean? She's nice and sweet. Right? I need to talk to him later. He's still sleeping I guess.

Los Dueños~Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now