Chapter 7

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When we finished vibing to our songs, we all just sat down the sofa laughing and gossiping. We where all just chilling until Alvaro and Roshuan told us some bad news.

Alvaro~ umm guys may I have your attention.
He says while scratching his neck in the back.

Roshuan~ so me and Alvaro are moving to Florida tonight. We got all or bag packed before yesterday and we are sorry that we didn't told you guys earlier.

After they both said that, I turned to my side and saw Alejandro, Mattia, and Kairi crying. I saw Kairi running up to his room. Alejandro crying on besties shoulder confronting him, and Mattia just stayed sitting next to me on the sofa. I looked at him with a I'm sorry face and he immediately ran to his room.

Y/N~ excuse me guys
I say while looking at Alvaro and Roshuan and they all nodded.

I went upstairs to find Mattia's room and all I hear is crying and like someone was punching the wall. I knocked on the door and there was silence. I knocked again but still silence.

Y/N~ Mattia? Are you ok?
I ask softly while opening the door slowly.

I walked inside and saw him on the floor with his both knees up and his face on his knees and his both hand pulling his hair. I walked up to him and sat in front of him. He didn't look at me so I touched his shoulder for confronting and he immediately saw me.

Tia~ I'm fine don't worry
He says with a fake smile with his puffy red eyes.

Y/N~ your not fine Mattia
I say while pulling him onto a hug and smiling at him

I got him from the floor and hold his hand to go downstairs and to hang out with Alvaro and Roshuan and with the group before they both leave tonight. We both walked downstairs and saw everyone standing around the house and they all looked at me and Mattia.

Y/N~ I was thinking of hanging out with everyone before both of you guys leave tonight
I say while holding Mattia's hand so he can get better. He tighten his hand around mine and I knew he was nervous. I looked at all the boys and bestie and they all Nodded. So we all went outside inside of the car.

Bestie~ I'll drive!
She says with excitement

Kairi~ where are we going though?

Roshuan~ let's go to McDonald's
He says with a girly voice and we all laughed except for Mattia.

We where all vibing to our songs again and we where 10 minutes away to McDonald's. As I was talking to Alvaro, I felt a heavy head on my shoulder and Mattia fell asleep on my shoulder. I smiled at him and tried to not wake him up. We arrived to McDonald's and everyone went inside to order. I stayed with Mattia because I didn't want to wake him up because he looked comfortable.

Alejandro~ are you coming with us?
He asks me while looking at me then at Mattia.

Y/N~ no I'll stay here with this sleepy head over here, y'all can go
I say while getting comfortable on my seat.

They all nodded and went inside of McDonald's to order. Bestie already know what I like and I hope the boys know what Mattia likes too. I was just looking at my phone and then looking up seeing these two adults walking and i immediately notice who it was.

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