Chapter 8

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I noticed who the two adults were and I immediately bend down with my head on my knees. Mattias head fell to my back and he woke up. He knew what was happening and he did the same thing what I was doing. He looked at me with a "I hope we don't get caught" face and i hold my hand tight around his hand and squeezed hard and I saw his face say " oww that hurts" and I smiled at him. I got interupted by these footsteps getting closer and closer. I closed my eyes for good luck and squeezed my hand with Mattia. The footsteps were going away so I opened my eyes and lifted my head a little. There was nobody outside, I touched Mattia's head and he looked up at me and lifted his head up. We saw the group come back to the car like nothing happened. Both of our faces were scared and shook so that's why they probably noticed us

Alvaro~ what happened to both of you?
He ask while laughing a little to us

Y/n & Tia~ nothing
We both say at the same time which made all of us laugh.

I smiled and then my face went serious and looked at Mattia and he had a serious face too. We were all going back to the crib and eat.

Alejandro~ Soo... When are you guys going to leave?
He ask while looking at Alvaro and Roshuan.

Kairi hit Alejandro on his arm hard that he screamed really loud while walking inside the house. We all laughed and kept waking until we reached to the kitchen and got our food and started eating.

Alvaro~ we are leaving at 8:30
He says while taking a bite to his burger.

It was only 5:55 right now so we had time. I looked to my left and saw bestie looking at Alejandro and sharing their food. I laughed and gave her a thumbs up and she just rolled her eyes playfully and continued her flirting. I see Mattia taking some fries from Kairi whenever he's not looking and I started to laugh and took some fries from Mattia and Kairi. Kairi noticed me and screamed "Hey!" And Mattia screaming "Hey!" at the same time and I laughed at them both and they all laughed too. After we finished eating, we all went to this big room in he house which was the guest room were all the boys mostly hang out at and chill. I laid down at the bed that was in the middle of the room. Bestie was sitting on Alejandro's lap and talking. Alvaro and Roshuan and Kairi were dancing and play fighting. Mattia was just standing there were Kairi hit him on his balls and Mattia fell on the floor with a hurting face and we all laughed. I stand up and helped Mattia get up and I kept laughing at him. He started to laugh also and I laid him down on the bed. We burried his head on the pillow while holding his balls.

Y/N~ does that really hurt that bad?
I ask while smiling a little

I saw bestie come up to me and slapped my private with a evil smirked and I immediately burried my face on the pillow like Mattia.

Bestie~ yes, yes it does
She says while laughing and everyone said "OoO!"
While looking at me and Mattia.

Mattia stand up and picked up Kairi and threw him on the sofa that the room had and Kairi stand up quickly and tackle mattia and made Mattia fell on the bed which I was on so he fell on my stomach and I quickly screamed of hurt and laughed. Kairi smiled at Mattia and winked at him. Mattia stand up and just stared at the floor. I was trying to see what bestie and Alejandro were doing but they weren't there. I felt someone grab my hand and dragged me to the "hallway" of the house while running.

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