I stare at the ground, sighing and rubbing my hand down my face.


<-Aryah's P.O.V->

I walk downstairs to see Cain, Kai and Rickie chatting away. "He's in the cell." I hear Rickie say. Cain nods and walks downstairs. Damien flashes into the front hall, ahead of me. I roll my eyes, show off. Kai glances up to me with a smile. "Ary, you should get some sleep. We'll be announcing you to the country tomorrow." My eyes widen before turning to Damien, narrowing them. "You didn't think to tell me that?" I roll my eyes. He raises an eyebrow, crossing his arms. I walk down the stairs standing a few feet away from him, clearly irritated with our conversation from before. He reaches out to pull me closer and I slap his hand away. "Don't touch me." I spit the words out at him. Not sure why I was so irritated, but he clearly wasn't impressed. He scowled at me, while Kai and Rickie awkwardly looked between both of us. Damien quickly snatches my chin, not aggressively, but enough to catch my attention. Sliding his thumb across my bottom lip as he stares darkly at my mouth, taking a second before looking up into my eyes. I slightly cowered to his dominance. "Watch your mouth baby, or I'll find something to occupy it." My eyes widened as my face turned red. He grinned at me response. He tilts his head. "What? No smart ass remarks?" I bite my lip releasing it from his thumb, clearly embarrassed in front of Rickie and Kai. He leans in, catching my lip and biting it just enough to make me flinch. Releasing me, he walks passed me, going downstairs to join Cain. I look up to Rickie and Kai staring at me, awkward tension filling the room. I sigh, knowing Damien did that on purpose to teach me a lesson.


<-Damien's P.O.V->

I walk towards Cain, who stands firmly in front of the cell. "W-where am I?" I hear a raspy voice ask quietly. I step out beside Cain and the young kids eyes widen, taking a few steps back towards the wall. Damn, do I have this effect on everyone? I sigh, "Relax, I'm not here to hurt you." Cain shoots me a sharp glare. "Come now Damien, don't get his hopes up." I look at him almost confused. Who was this guy? I knew enough from his clothing, clearly not on our side. "What's your name?" I ask, turning to him. "Who fucking cares." Cain rolls his eyes. "What do you know?" Cain demands. The kid stutters as he shy's away from us. "Spit it out!" Cain shakes the cell door, scaring him more. "Is Marina or Harper inside that building!?" Suddenly it all becomes clear. "Y-yes! but I-I don't know what they're using her for, I'm not allowed in that area, your grace! Only permitted guards are allowed to enter! I-I just joined recently, it was a m-mistake." I see Cain getting becoming increasingly angry. I place my hand on Cain's chest, stopping him. "You'll work undercover for us, do you understand?" I turn to the kid. He pauses, hesitating. I raise an eyebrow, dropping my hand from Cain. "Or you can die." He shakes his head vigorously. "No, please, I-I'll do it." Cain scoffs, shaking his head and turning around, returning upstairs. The young man waits for Cain to disappear before looking back at me. "Everyone said you were the scary one." I chuckle lightly, shrugging. "You caught me on a good day." I grab a chair, pulling it up the the cell bars. "What's your name?" The young man stands slowly, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Declan M-Maloe, your grace." I raise my eyebrows and lean back into the chair. I knew this kid looked familiar. "Well, fuck me." I say out loud but to myself. "S-sorry sir?" He asks confused. I stand abruptly. "See you in the morning, kid."


I make my way upstairs to the bedroom. What are the chances this kid fell right into us? However I had something else on my mind. My girls smart mouth. I open the door to see her laying on her stomach on the bed, reading a book. Not even a glance up at me. She was purposely ignoring me and she knew it ignited a fire within me. I walk up to the edge of the bed, opposite of her head. "What do you want?" She shrugs me off, coldly. I slowly climb onto the bed, one hand on each side of her as I lower my body gently on top of her, kissing her shoulder slowly up her neck to her ear. "You got a mouth on you today, eh?" I spread her legs apart, pushing myself into her. She lets out a small sigh. Didn't matter how annoyed she could be with me. I knew how to get my girl going and teach her a lesson at the same time. I push myself up, she instinctively pushes herself back into me, arching her back, leaving her book to flop closed. I smack her bottom hard, causing her to whine. I grab her hips, flipping her over onto her back. She looks up at me seductively as I tower over her. She raises an eyebrow at me, smirking. She pushes herself onto her knees, sliding her hands up my abdomen, kissing on the way down, undoing my belt buckle...

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