19| Essence

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"Yes Damien." Cain sighs and shifts his weight to one foot. "We've put this off too long. We're in the middle of a war here. Don't you think we should be searching for information?" Cain shrugs and drops his arms to his sides. Damien sighs and rubs his forehead in frustration, but he knew Cain was right. "Alright." He finally says, "What did you have in mind?"


Marina and I spoke for quite some time. I held my cup of tea in both my hands, warming them as I explain my life story, leaving out some minor details. "So that's my story." I shrug and take a sip of tea. She stares at me wide eyed as she thinks about all the things I just said. "Wow. That is quite the adventure." Her mouth slightly open and her eyes now looking through me, still thinking. "I might be able to help you." She finally pipes up. "Huh, what do you mean?" I place my tea cup down and raise an eyebrow at her. "I could teach you a few things, help you regain your abilities back." She shrugs, "Teach you how to use them." She smiles brightly at me. "How would you know how to do that!?" I push away from the counter. Her face looks slightly pained. "My mother, she was an essence." She looks down to her fidgeting hands on the counter.

"Interesting. You're part essence." A deep voice rings behind us. She looks up and I turn around to see Damien standing in the doorway, thinking as he stares directly at Marina. His stare makes her uncomfortable, causing her to fidget with her fingers even more and look towards them. I smile excitedly at him, which makes his eyes shift to me and give me a warm grin. He walks towards me, placing his hand on the small of my back and kisses my temple. "This is great Damien, she can train me!" He examines my face with warmth, it made him happy, to see me so happy. "I learned alot from my mother." Marina looks up to me with a closed mouth smile. "Yeah, that sounds like a great idea." Damien nods reassuringly. "I knew there was a weird energy about you. I've never met a half before?" Damien tilts his head as he leans onto the counter, which causes Marina to push up away from the counter in the same moment. He obviously makes her uncomfortable. "Actually, I have very little of her abilities. I am only able to manipulate emotions. I've mastered the skill!" She smiles brightly. I nod excitedly. "This is great!" I clap my hands together. Damien straightens out, becoming serious. "How long do you need?" Marina thinks for a moment. "To master the skills will take a long time. To show her the basics... maybe a month or two?" Damien clears his throat. "Well, you have four days." He states flatly. Both our eyes whip to him. "Four days!?" I say confused. "What are you talking about, Damien?" I grab his shoulder and turn him towards me. He glances at me and then to her. "We have to leave on an errand." Marina switches her gaze from Damien to me, not sure what to say.

"Leave? we?" I grab onto his arm again, bringing his eyes to mine. "Yes and you are coming with me." I throw my arms up. "Is that a good idea? What will I do? I'd slow you down, that's for sure." I ramble on until he finally cuts me off. He turns his whole body towards me, towering over me. "You think you're leaving my side after everything that has happened?" He states flatly but his face serious. "Especially after the last time I left."

Marina pipes up, awkwardly trying to excuse herself. "Okay, this is really none of  my business-" But I cut her off, completely ignoring her. "You're being ridiculous. Now that I know everything I wouldn't make stupid decisions, and I would even wear your clothes!" Damien leans forward, matching his gaze to mine. "Have you forgotten that, that man, came into this house. It's not about you being irresponsible." I open my mouth to say something but quickly close it again. "What...?" Marina says confused by everything we're saying. Once again we completely ignore her. Damien leans back, adjusting his posture. "You're coming with me Aryah, that is final." I pipe up one last time, "I don't think-" "This conversation is over." He glares at me before turning back to Marina. "Do you think you could do it?" She nods lightly. "I will do my very best, your grace." She bows her head and smiles. Damien turns his head to glance at me one last time, almost waiting for me to protest, but I say nothing. He looks back at Marina. "Good." He says as he makes his way out of the kitchen.

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