43| Aryah

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Cain stands anxiously beside Damien's bedside, watching him as if he were in a peaceful slumber.  "Any changes?" A quiet but equally anxious Kai, questions Cain in hopes he's heard something. "No..." Cain sighs. "He's so strong, yet something so simple, took him down so easily." Kai runs his hand through his hair, joining Cain by his bedside. "He will come out of this, just like Aryah will." Cain reassured him. He turns to Kai. "How is Aryah?" Kai shakes his head. "The same. Rickie's with her." He pauses. "Maybe we should bring Mikayla over this way?" Cain shakes his head. "I'd rather not. I don't want to worry her unless absolutely necessary." Kai turns to Cain with a sympathetic frown. "She doesn't have a pulse, Cain." Cain furrows his brows, turning to Kai. "They can still come out of this." Kai sighs, "How long do we wait until we come to terms with this?" A silent rage fills Cain. "Until I see fit." He stares angrily at Kai, who seems to be regretting his words. "Now get out." Cain orders. Kai takes a deep breath before quietly exiting the room. Cain turns to Damien with a sad, yet hopeful expression. "I won't give up on you." He whispers.


The desert breeze gently kisses his newly healed wounds. He stands up, brushing himself off, murmuring to himself if he were insane or not. "Who was that?" He turns his head, searching the long bumpy lands that surrounded him. "I need to stop drinking." He shuffles off into the distance as Lucan watches him stumble away. The Life Guardian had granted him another chance, in exchange he breeds an heir. Stupid man. If only he knew. Lucan brings his index finger to his lips in thought before following the stranger to his home.


My eyes open and I find I'm in a familiar room, yet I can't quite place it. I look down to myself, confused about what had happened, had I not just projectiled a large amount of black liquid on the terrace only moments ago? How did I get here? Lost in thought, the sound of a sweet voice brings my eyes to look up to the direction it's coming from. A young girl, around the age of five, prancing around the room, singing to herself. I panic, not knowing how I got here, but obviously an intruder to this little girls home. I take a step back in attempt to hide myself in the well lit room. She turns to me, running straight for me. I gasp, putting my hands up, about to try and explain myself, when she runs straight through me. I turn around in awe as she picks up a stuffed animal from the floor. Had she not seen me?

A young man enters the room, who I immediately recognize. "Dad?" I whisper as my eyes widen. "Hey baby, practicing your alphabet?" He smiles sweetly to the young girl. I furrow my brows and look at the girl once more. Was that... me? "Hi daddy!" She squeels. "Are you ready for your play date?" She nods enthusiastically before grabbing her shoes, plopping on the floor, to put them on. "I'm always ready, daddy." He chuckles and nods.


I blink and my surroundings have changed. The park, I recognized this place. I watch as my father and myself walk through the grains of sand towards a young boy. I gasp, Declan. How could I have forgotten my childhood best friend. I watch as we quickly chat about what we wanted to play at the park, before running off towards the swings. My dad smiles sweetly to himself, crossing his arms as he watches us play. My heart shifts as I feel a dark aura take over. I look behind my dad to see Lucan walking towards him. "Cute kid." He crosses his arms, joining my father. My dad looks over skeptically, but nods and thanks him. Lucan watches my young self play for a few moments, before turning to look straight at me. I gasp, shutting my eyes tight.

When I open them, I am still at the park, however something had changed. I looked around to see no one there. The weather was cloudy and dark, like a storm was coming. I see an older version of myself come out from behind the tree, looking at me. "It's about time you showed up." I raised my eyebrows, unsure of what to say. "Sorry, parents." A young male voice booms from behind me as Declan walks through me to my younger self. He shrugs, "Why'd you want to meet up anyways?" I watch as they make their way under a large oak tree. "Can't a girl ask to hang out with her best friend without questions?" Declan chuckles as he makes himself more comfortable. "Come on Ary, I know when somethings wrong." I watch as my eyes shift to the grass, fidgeting with the long strands that surrounded us. "My parents, they've been fighting a lot. I can't really hear them through the walls, but it seems to be serious." My parents had been fighting for years, always leaving the room to hide the purpose of their fight. Despite their discretion, it still made me feel uneasy. Declan knew this and was always there when I needed to get out. He sighs, looking around. He picks a wilting flower a few feet from us and brings it over. I watch as I take the flower from his hand and frown at it. He nudges me with a sweet smile. "Come on Ary, let me see it." I sigh, taking a deep breath and before I knew it, the flower had bloomed in my hand, rejuvenating the almost dead plant. Declan's eyes brighten as he nods approvingly. It made me smile, knowing I had made him smile and somehow it lightened my mood.

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