32| Return

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"I'll do it as fast as I can, your grace." Chris turns to me and gently places his left hand on my forehead and his right over my heart. Closing his eyes he takes a deep breath. "What the hell is taking so long!?" Kai snaps at hims. Chris opens his eyes, rolling them, knowing his back is to Kai. "Your grace, it takes more than a few seconds. It will take a significant amount of time." He hears Kai walk towards him, stopping at his back. He leans down to his ear. "If you roll your eyes one more time-" Kai whispers. Chris whips around, furrowing his brows, snapping. "Do you want me to do this or not!?" Immediate regret as he realizes his outburst was towards his king. Kai stands up slowly, looking down at Chris, he tightens his fists. He takes a breath and shakes off his anger. He knew he needed Chris for this task, he'll deal with him later.

Chris turns around and begins the process again. A shadow fills the cave as if the moon had disappeared. Kai turns around to the entrance but he can barely see the bushes right in front. He staggers back slightly as his eyes adjust to the sudden darkness. Two eyes appear just outside the cave entrance. A deep red glow surrounding the iris, almost swaying lightly. Every muscle in Kai's body tightens. A diabolical grin adds to the satanic eyes, possessively crawling across the eagerly appearing face.


A variety of clips play through my mind like a movie. A vision of a rustic like bedroom fades in to the picture. Natural wood floors, surrounded by lage wooden pillars and the same type bed frame. I realize I'm sitting on the bed, staring down at my hands. I lift them before turning my head to see a beautiful dark haired women staring at me with a somber expression.

"Your mother discussed the gift you had been blessed with, with you." Mikayla's voice rings through my head.

"There is something you need to know." Her familiar voice, soft and gentle. "What's going on mom?" I say without thought, almost surprised that it came from my mouth. "You're acting strange. Why did we move to the middle of no where?" She reaches over and squeezes my hand tight. "Oh darling." She sighs. "You're not just our daughter." I pull my hand from hers. "What!? What do you mean?"


<-Thirty years earlier->

A desert appears in front of me, it seems to be the middle of the night. Why would I be in the middle of the desert? I look down to see my body seems translucent. I whip my head up when I hear a man singing at the top of his lungs. When I make contact with the figure, I quickly realize it's my father. He's not able to walk straight and seems to be falling everywhere, it's obvious that he's intoxicated. Where is he going?

He begins coughing before projectile vomitting to the side of him. Almost as soon as he starts, two hardened men approach him, more like surrounding him. He looks up to them, greeting them. They discuss for a few minutes when the conversation takes a sharp turn. The two men begin beating him to a pulp. My father makes some effort to defend himself but he isn't coherent enough to do any real damage. I sprint towards them, ripping into the two men but my hands go straight through them. I gasp looking around for anything that I could do to help. I reach down to pick up a small boulder, but the same occurs. When I look up again, the two men have run off and my father lays in a pool of his own blood, soaking into the warm sand. I sit with him in my own sobs, waiting for him to awake, with no real way of knowing if he's alive or not. A bright light fills my sight. I blink a few times to clear my blurry gaze from tears. As my vision comes into focus I see a woman. I look over to see my father pulling himself up, rubbing his eyes. He seems equally as muddled as I am. She was wearing a long white dress that flowed in the gentle breeze along with her snow white hair. Her pure white eyes gleam in the moonlight.

The ShadowsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz