39| Taking over

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"Just give them a minute Damien. She's just through the door." Kai says shrugging as Damien thuds his back against the wall. My loud screech streams rapidly through the air. Damien hears the desperation in my voice and barges through the door, charging at Chris. He opens the door to Chris's fists wrapped in my shirt as he stares down at my breasts. Kai runs close after him, equally as appalled by what is in front of him. Damien comes behind me, his arms surround my ears as he pries Chris's hands off of me. He holds so tight his knuckles begin to turn white. He bends Chris's wrists unaturally sideways, cracking them in the process. Damien wraps his arms around me, pulling me behind him. I quickly grab each side of my shirt and hold it closed, since the buttons were no longer there to hold it. I felt embarassed and confused, betrayed even.

Chris winces in pain, hunched over. He turns to Damien, screaming at him. "How could you do this to her!?" Damien clenches his teeth and takes a step towards him. Kai intervenes, stopping him. "We need him Damien." Kai reminds him. I didn't know what to say. How could I defend him? "Y-you're going to kill her." Chris blurts out as he tries to contain his pain. Damien furrows his brows and jerks his chin back. "What?" Chris shakes his head. "You gave it to her too soon." Chris continues in riddles. Damien shoves him back. "Spit it out!" Chris turns to Damien, finally gaining the confidence to stand up to him. "The necklace!" Damien freezes and Kai takes a step back baffled. I shove passed Kai. "What are you talking about!?" Chris takes a few breaths before looking at me sympathetically. "It's absorbing your soul." He says queitly. The room couldn't be more silent. "What the hell is going on!?" Kai looks at each of us. Damien let's out a shaky breath before turning slowly to me. He wraps his hand around the gem and makes an attempt to rip it off but it only pulls me with it. "Take that shit off!" His instantly pulls his hand away, shaking it. "What the hell!? Why won't it come off!" Damien makes every attempt to remove it from my neck but he continuously burns his hands in the process. "It's a defense mechanism." Chris contunes quietly in between breaths. "It didn't burn me before!?" The desperation in Damien's voice grows. "It's a piece of you. You and Aryah are the only ones who can touch it. However, it sense you want to take it way from it's host. It's like a parasite." I had never seen Damien so dismayed and I was still in shock. Kai turns to Damien, "Is that what you meant when there were other ways than the traditional!?" Damien walks in a circle throwing his hands in the air. "What do I do!?" He turns to Chris and he shrugs in response. Finally, he looks to me; his eyes glossy. His voice cracks into a whisper. "Aryah..." I simply stare back at him. He reaches up grabbing my hands lightly and opening my shirt, exposing my chest. I do nothing to resist as my body begins to tingle into numbness. "What the fuck is that!?" Kai whispers harshly. The darkness had spread down my chest to my left side and up my neck to my right ear, branching off into each capillary. Damien stops breathing, this was his fault. My heart was on the floor and my legs begin to lose feeling. My knees give out as Damien sensed, wrapping his arm around my waist holding me up. "Someone needs to tell me what the hell is going on." Kai states angrily. But none of us could respond. "I... I don't know." Damien finally says. Rage fills me and I gain enough energy to shove him away from me. "You told me you knew! You lied!" To my surprise he flinches at my reaction. "I thought I did." He pleads. I turn to Chris who looks at me sadly. "Am I going to die?" My voice becomes increasingly shaky. "No! I'll figure this out." Damien holds onto my upper arms tightly, promising me with his eyes. In this moment, it meant nothing. "I'll fix this." Damien turns and sprints away from us.


<-Damien's P.O.V->

I run around the house looking for a specific person. Finally I spot her reading a book in the sun by a window. "Braelin." I say exasperated. She looks up casually. "Hey D, why the long face?" I shake my head. "No time to explain. I need you to do me a favor." She closes her book and places it on the small table beside her. "Anything. What do you need?" I kneel down to match her gaze. "Go get Cain. Please Brae." She nods, not asking any further questions. "Of course. I'll leave right away." She leans over kissing him on his cheek. "I'll get him here as soon as possible."

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