46| Time to Breath

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The sun beams through the large windows of day three in bed with my new husband. A light breeze blows through the room, disrupting the curtains as a sweet melody from a small bird drifts in, sending a sense of tranquility through my body. I open my eyes, squinting as the bright light blinds me as my eyes adjust. I feel Damien's chest against my back and his soft breathing gently blows passed my ear. I lay on his bicep while the other is wrapped around me. I smile to myself, tilting my chin down to kiss his forearm. His breathing changes and he begins to shift, propping himself up on his elbow as the other slides to my hip. I turn my head to look up at him, smiling sweetly. He looks down at me sleepily, taking a moment just to look at each other. "How the hell did I get so lucky." As if he were saying this to himself. He reaches up, moving a piece of my hair behind my ear. I lay on my back and place a hand on his cheek, he smiles, leaning down to plant a soft, lingering kiss on my lips. He takes a moment to enjoy the feeling, before slowly moving away from me. The sight of his gem hanging off my neck made him smile, he grinned back at me. "Yours." He winks at me. I nod, "Mine." He shifts, narrowing his eyes, looking out the window as the light beams in. I watch as each toned muscle flexes and relaxes as he twists to get comfortable.

"I should shower." I yawn. His eyes dart to mine, almost pouting. "But... day three?" I raise my eyebrows at him. "Everyone is probably wondering if we're still alive." I chuckle. His eyes darken as a mischievous smile spreads across his face. "They are fully aware you are alive." He leans down, biting my neck lightly until he makes it up to my ear. "You're not exactly a quiet lover." My cheeks quickly flush as my eyes widen. He leans back, laughing softly, almost seductively, like he had other plans for me. "Oh my god." I stare up to the ceiling in embarrassment. "I'll have to be quieter." He scowls at me, tilting his chin down like what I said was completely absurd. "Hell no." I wallow in my own embarrassment for a moment before Damien's hand slowly glides up my thigh. I quickly smack him away, "I'm going to go shower!" He sighs loudly. "Fine. I'll join you in a minute." I turn to him furrowing my brows in almost disbelief. "No. My body hurts." He responds with a proud smirk and I roll my eyes.

I move the covers off from me and slide out of bed. As I stand up, I can feel his burning stare, I look over my shoulder and raise an eyebrow. I grab a towel from the chair beside me and wrap it around my body and walk to the bathroom.

"Jesus Christ." He utters, breathlessly.


I take my time to allow the hot water to soothe my sore muscles. I couldn't wipe the stupid grin off my face, but I didn't care. I took a long shower, until steam filled the room. I turn it off and wrap a towel around me. The door swings open, disrupting the steam. Damien comes in with a towel wrapped lowly around his hips. He pouts, "Damn, too late." I giggle, kissing his cheek. "Next time?" He nods happily. "Wait for me? We'll go down together." I tilt my head. "Why?" He reaches to untie the towel around his waist as he shrugs. "You don't have to, just thought it might be a bit awkward." The colour drains from my face as I ponder all the embarrassing possibilities. "You've met Rickie, right?" A nervous feeling grows in the pit of my stomach. "Oh god, hurry up."


Damien took his time in the shower, coming out fresh as he rubs his towel over his head. He quickly gets dressed. How was it possible for him to look so handsome with such little effort? I think as I braid my hair to the side. "Ready?" He reaches out a hand to me. I sigh and slide my hand into his.


We exit our room and it was like fresh air, I hadn't noticed our room had been so hot. I see Joan down the hall dusting the several paintings hanging in between each door. She turns as we approach her, causing her to flinch, almost choking. Dropping the duster, she clumsily picks it up, white knuckling the wooden handle. "You're grace." She clears her throat. Damien raises his eyebrows, waiting for her to say something else. After a long pause Damien shrugs, "Good chat." He turns, pulling me away with him.

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