Chapter One: The Idea

Start from the beginning

<><>Time Skip Brought by the Geico Gecko<><>

I look at my gang, who are all lazily slumped on chairs around a table. I rub my temples and enter passive form. This brings their attention. For some odd reason they like seeing my passive form. Perhaps it's because it's rare I do enter it, I only do so when I'm relaxed or during important matters. Also I like this chair and I hate to see it ruined by my goop.

Anyways, I got their attention. "Okay, so, guys, what was UP with Dream, Ink and Blue today?" I grumble. Error shrugged. "bEaTs mE." Cross and Horror, who weren't really helping, didn't respond and went on their phones. Dust and Killer raised their hands. "Mr. Noot?" they asked. "Can we speak now?" it takes me a few minutes to process what they called me and why. "Yes, and don't do that again, this isn't a kindergarten classroom." They smirk.

Dust looks at me. "Anyways, we were fighting Blue. He was also slow and weak. He's usually energetic, though, so the slow part mainly confuses me." Dust explains. He nudges Killer who speaks next. "Oh! So yeah, while we were fighting, he sorta collapsed into the snow. It was VERY weird." "Huh." I blink. "That's...." Then, an idea pops into my head.

"That's amazing!" I suddenly yell. "wHa-hOW?" asks Error. "Error, get Science Sans!" "We tried to kill him two days ago, Nightmare." Cross interjects. I shrug. "I know! Just get him!" I glare at him and enter my hostile octopus-like form, and Cross slumps back in his chair and Error doesn't hesitate to open a portal and jump through. Only a few minutes later, a portal opens and out comes Sci with Error behind him.

"What do you want!" Shouts Science Sans. I smirk. "Okay, so does everyone here remember Glitchtale?" "....yeah?" my gang murmurs in unison. I clap my hands together. "Great! Sci, here's a vial I snatched from that Betty girl. It's called HATE or something." Cross gasps. "How did you-"

"Please, Cross, stop. We're literal magical skeletons plotting with other versions of ourselves to KILL other versions of ourselves. Please don't." I growl. Cross looks like he was about to retort something but decides to keep quiet. Horror looks at the dark vial. "What are we doing with it?" he asks.

I hand the vial to Sci. "THIS guy is going to oh so kindly do a favor for us. We need this morphed into a pastry or something. We'll give it to the Star Sanses and they'll be turned evil. It happened to the Betty girl that one time while fighting Glitchtale Undyne." "Isn't she already evil?" questions Killer.

I rub my temples. "She-She turned more corrupted and more evil! That's not the point, Killer! The point is that if we give to the Star Sanses they'll JOIN us and we'll FINALLY get to cause chaos across the multiverse!" Error nodded. "gOoD iDeA." I glared at Science Sans. Just then I realized I was still in his passive form. Cursing under my breath, I changed from my passive form to hostile form. The look on Sci's face when he did that was priceless. I glared at Science Sans again.

"So, would you do that for us?" Sci nodded his head repeatedly. I looked at Horror and Dust. "Go with him." They both nodded and I smiled. "Just THINK of how many AUs we'll get to destroy and will STAY destroyed after this!" I smile and relax into my chair. "I can't wait."

<><>Tem Skip<><>

Error and Cross had been playing Pokemon on their DS' again, while Killer and I were doing a Minecraft challenge on a server thing. Then I got a text from Dust. Finally. I closed the server on Minecraft and checked the message. This was the conversation we had:

Dusty Boi - Were done

Nootmurr - It's "we're" not were. Proper punctuation please. And good.

Dusty Boi - Fine MOM.

Nootmurr - Call me that again and you'll have no skull.

Dusty Boi - Jeez. -_-

I nudged Cross and Killer, but not Error because I don't want to lose any limbs. "Guys, get up. They're done."

We went downstairs and to the basement where Sci, Dust, and Horror were sent. I see three chocolate chip muffins and an empty hate vial next to them. I opened a portal and pushed Sci through. Thanks to him, we got what we wanted. And if this works out, then he'll be dead soon anyways.

I picked up the muffins. "I'll go ding-dong-ditch them or something. I'll put a note, it'll say 'From Outer' or Classic or something." I grabbed a sticky-note and wrote "from Outer <3" on it. I taped the sticky note to the plate of HATE muffins. I opened a portal. "See ya." I said as I walked into the portal.

I walked a few yards before seeing the Star Sanses' base. I put the plate on their doormat and rung the doorbell, before running behind an object to hide but see what would happen. I narrowed my eyes as Ink opened the door. I noticed he looked tired and sleep-deprived. All of the Star Sanses did, come to think of it. I shrugged it off. Ink picked up the plate and his eyes widened.

"Awe!" he smiled to himself. "Thanks, Outer! Hey, Dream, Blue! Muffins! Outer sent em'!" Blue and Dream slowly came to the door, also tired. "Aw. That's so nice of him!" Dream smiled. "I'll be sure to write a thank-you note. He's such a good friend, considering what's been going on lately." As all the Star Sanses went silent as Dream spoke, I wondered. What's been happening? Now, readers, I'm not concerned or anything for him! Just curious! (Author: HEY NO BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL! BAD NOOT NOOT!) Fine.

Anyways, I was snapped back into reality as Blue smiled. "Can I have the first one? Pleaseeeeee~?" he begged. Ink smiled. "Of course, Blue! We all get one, as there's three muffins." Ink decided. Dream smiled. "Sounds good to me."

Then I opened a portal and smirked as I came back to the mansion. "Plan successful." I smiled. Error fist pumped the air. "yEs! nO mOrE gOoDy-tWO sHoEs SqUiD!" Error cheered. Dust smirked. "Finally! You're rid of your brother." I smirked. "Remember, they're not DEAD." "Oh." said Horror. Cross grinned. "They're evil! Great idea by the way, Nightmare! I never would have thought of it!"

I felt heat rise to my cheeks at the compliment. I scratched the back of my head and grinned. "Thanks, Cross!" Killer must have noticed the light blush on my cheeks and poked my face. "Awehhhhh! Looks like Noot Noot has a crush~~~" "Don't call me noot noot." I mumble. Then Horror's eyes widened. "HE DIDN'T DENY IT! OHHHH!" he yelled.

Life was going to be a lot better from that day on. No more competition. Life was good.

Or so we had thought.

A/N: This is my first book lol so it's bad. Sorry about that! If you have any suggestions for future comments, tell me! Thank you!

Wow. 1916 words!

- Gecko Bean :3

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