"The hell is wrong with your face? Boyfriend hit you again?" I looked at him, intensely overriding his stare and moving out of their weak grips, to continue to walk and look at the watching flowers, that laughed at me. Stop laughing! I wanted to say. 

"Ha..HA THAT..was a great joke dear." Both followed me, or rather, John followed me and Paul followed him. I could tell through the way he stressed his words, that he was angry I compared him to such a thing as a girl. He began to dance and his laughter became a bloodthirsty snarling

He didn't dance, he just was bloodthirsty for a girl's heat.

"I tend to be good at those," I watched the flowers some more.

"I got this in a fight I had a few nights ago. Kicked some kids ass but he just barely got one punch in," I scratched the side of my head, half listening to the words coming from John's mouth. It wasn't like it really mattered. 

"Yeah he did!" Paul added, " I was there!" I rolled my eyes.

"Isn't your curfew at 7 Paulie?" I could see his face heat up and look at John, shaking his head violently to beg him to ignore it, like it was actually true. 

"I like this chick Paul!" John smacked me on the back, " She's as funny as I am!" I turned around and faced the two boys, in their stupidity.

"I don't give a shit about either one of you, so if you could please leave me alone, that would be such a wonderful thing, thank you," I continued to walk from these two idiots. I was off to see Richard soon anyway. I least I had someone like him. 

"We are not thrown away as easily as you may think my dear," John rushed after me again, like he just didn't get the message that he should get, "You are making mistakes you crummy American," He whispered to me, grabbing my shoulder and pulling me close to him. I tried to get away but I wasn't as strong as I may seem. 

"Why do you just spend some time with me eh?" He whispered again. I tried to move more this time but still I was unable to do so. I almost felt like yelling, but who would come so save me? Who would want to save me?

"Hey, you should leave her alone," Who was...? I turned a bit to look back, and I found the one person that would save me, I think. 

"Mind your own business," I should have known! He has saved me before, and he doesn't know this, yet. John tried to ignore him. But he just didn't give up so easy. 

"Well, I kind of need her right now, so I'll just take her off your hands. He went around the strangely silence Paul, pushed John, rather lightly though, away from me, and took my bag from me. He smiled at me, just barely but enough so I could see behind that slight beard he had that had no mustache, and he picked me up.

"Fucking put me down..." I complained, since I didn't like it, but he did it anyway. John wanted to pursue, but I think didn't realize someone could just come in and take a girl away from him, literally. I almost smiled but decided against it. 

"I can't, not till I get you safely to my home, without the worry of those two bloody wankers," God he knew, he knew. Someone knew! It wasn't too bad, I liked that he knew. 

I waved at John and Paul, who were confused as they looked at me be carried away by the nameless boy. It was rather funny, to see their expressions. 

"Thank you, I think," I think he smiled again, and his smiles are kind of nice....yes? Is that what people say? 

"You're welcome," He finally let me down, and gave me the heavy bag back. I nodded, and kind of smiled at him. WHY WAS I SMILING? It was just to thank him, I think that's what people do. They smile when they thank someone. It's just been too long for me. 

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