May 2020 - Interview with ESHurricane

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Hello and welcome to our May interview.

My name is Diana and I am going to spend some time with the beautiful ESHurricane, talking about her, her amazing story Bloodlines (The book of the month of May), and more. 


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Di: For our followers who are not familiar with you and your work, tell us who ESHurricane is, please. What you are comfortable sharing of course.

Em: Hi, I'm Emily! I'm an east coast Canadian mom of two tiny humans, and I'm a freelance ghostwriter and editor as well as a self-published erotica and romance author. I also really like pumpkin pie.

DiIt seems like a busy, busy life! ESHurricane is such a dynamic pen name. How did you come up with it?

Em: One of my favourite cars is the Lamborghini Huracan, and my dad made an offhand comment one day about how Huracan would be a cool pen name. It kinda stuck with me and when I joined Wattpad in 2015, Hurricane was born! I didn't want to get sued haha.

DiHaha, smart move, and what a name! What motivated you to become an author? Were you writing before you discovered Wattpad, or was Wattpad your starting point?

Em: Oh man, I have these little construction paper books from when I was like four years old. 😂 Story has always been a huge part of my life. I spent some of my early to mid-twenties not writing because I was afraid (of course making excuses that I had no time and needed a 'real job'), but it took coming to Wattpad (and becoming a parent) to really kickstart my hardcore determination to chase my dreams.

DiLeaving out your little paper books from your four years old period. Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?

Em: I did some short stories throughout my childhood but my favourite early one was when I was twelve I wrote a horror novella about all the kids in my class escaping a serial killer. 😂

DiYou are definitely my kind of people! You mentioned you ghostwrite, do an editorial job, and self-publish? How do you juggle all three? Can you tell us more about the ups and downs of the three?

Em: I have no idea how I juggle, haha! I think I can manage because it doesn't feel like work to me. I set a monthly word goal and chip away at it every day. 🙂 Some days are harder than others to make time, but I get through!

As far as ups and downs...

Ghosting is nice because it's lucrative. It's challenging to write in other author's voices, but I enjoy the challenge. Editing is a ton of fun because I get to help polish up a story into the best it can be! Excited clients with shiny stories make me happy. And writing for me has become so much more fluid because writing for myself is so freeing getting to just do my own thing. So it's a symbiotic relationship, haha!

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