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Queen Astraea Von Chauvet


We all make choices, be it good or bad, we must live with the outcome we have chosen.


Pronunciation: Yemima (Yem • ma)


"Astraea!" Someone called out in distress. Moving quickly towards my office.

Before I could rise from my seat Yemima came rushing in. I could sense she was panicked, frightened.

"Astraea!" She yells one last time running up to my desk to catch her breath.

I tried to calm her down and asked what was wrong.

Without hesitation, she responded, "Please, I beg you Astraea," she began.

Yemima rushes to the side of my chair and kneels with her head bowed. I quickly turn my chair and attempt to lift her up from the floor, only for her to shake her head and return to her position.

"Please do not harm them, Your Majesty, Goddess Astraea, have mercy on them. I beg of you. If you must punish someone, then let it be me. I will take whichever punishment you see fit without protest. So please, have mercy on my children." I sighed and rose out of my chair.

I went down on one knee and placed my hand under her chin. Softly bring her eyes to look up at me. She had tears running down her cheeks and her eyes were getting puffy.

It took little to know what had Yemima so on edge. Or why she's pleading for me to spare their lives.

It seems she heard about my guest coming today. And not just that, but why they're coming. I'm not all that surprised she found out. I had just hoped that I could have kept this conflict from reaching people outside those involved, just a while longer. But seems like that is no longer possible.

"Okay," I say with a smile, one that didn't entirely reach my eyes. It was a smile that held pity for my dear friend.

It pained me to see my friend's usual joyful smile replaced by a frightened and panicked look while kneeling and begging.

Tears did not suit her lovely, sweet, and beautiful face.

"What?" She asked surprised.

"I will not punish anyone. Most definitely not you Yemima. You did absolutely nothing wrong." Tears of relief began to run down her cheeks.

I could see the conflict in her eyes. She was relieved that her children would be fine. But she was also conflicted about the fact that I would not give her punishment in exchange for accepting the request she made.

"That isn't true, it's my fault, they are my children. I should have taught them better. I do not deserve your mercy Astraea. It's my fault they're like this. And you must punish me for it." I softly chuckled half-heartedly.

"You are my friend before you are my subject. Just like the others. And you can not control them. The only thing you as their creator can do is advise them and help them follow the right path, whether they choose to follow that path is not up to us, but them. So do not blame yourself." I said wiping her tears away.

"Now go to your chambers and take a warm bath to calm down, okay?" I suggest. She nods her head.

"Thank you Astraea, I will forever be indebted to you." I smiled and stood up. I look down offering my hand. She takes it without hesitation.

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⏰ Última actualización: Aug 27, 2023 ⏰

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