Chapter 19

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For Friday's work immersion, Alina decided to wear a white formal top which she neatly folded three-fourths and tuck in copper brown slack pants. She steps in the office, greeted by her usually early superior who shows off a stylish beige corporate dress. "Good morning, Miss Fawn," Alina nonchalantly responds, still affected by her lack of sleep.

"Pulled an all-nighter?" Lilith inspects the teen who slowly approaches her desk.

"Requirements," Alina replied. Even she was not sure whether this was a lie or not.

"And you haven't had enough energy to start your going to be busy day," Lilith chuckled. "Mr. Hendrix is out of the office because of an early corporate meeting."

"Thank goodness," Alina murmured under her breath, grateful that she was somehow given a little time to escape from her reality and return to her formerly normal world.

"And with his absence, unfortunately, we were given twice the usual task," Lilith cheerfully said as she stacks piles of documents in front of Alina.

The teen was feeling neutral about this heap of office work. She would rather indulge herself in papers than on blood-bath, or so she thinks at least. "On it, Ma'am," she eagerly responded as she started with her secretariat duties. For the whole day, she was absorbed with either paperwork or computer-related tasks. Occasionally, she visits other offices to drop by important files. She also had quiet lunch break with her supervisor. They resumed their static work in the afternoon. The office space once again fell into deafening silence as both ladies focus on their individual businesses. It has been so tedious that she forgot about the time. Just when Alina was almost about to empty her table, the door opens.

"Good evening, Sir," Lilith greeted with delight.

With this remark, Alina shot her eyes towards the new figure. It was a guy wearing harbor gray set of tuxedo over an ink black inner attire and a ruby shaded necktie. Altair's previously serene mood instantly turned sour as he subtly sniffs the surroundings. He wrinkles his nose as he exhales. "Lilith, call it a day," he sternly said. Lilith slightly shuddered off, noticing the missing formality on Altair's words. She rarely hears it and if she does, it means an absolute order. He then faced Alina with a scowl on his face, "Report to me after your work," then he enters his office.

On the very second that Altair leaves, Lilith let out a relieved sigh. "I still have a lot to do though," she says, having a finger rested against her chin.

Alina recognizes her gesture. "Is it a bad omen?"

"Regrettably so," Lilith remarked as she stood up with her bag. "It cannot be helped. He is the boss." She faces her subordinate with a smile, "Do not be tactless alright? I wish you a good luck."

Alina's eyes twitched at the thought. "Safe travels, Miss Fawn." With that, she is out of sight. With doubled speed, she finishes her obligations. She made sure to calm down before getting up from her chair.

As the clock strikes 8, she cautiously enters with her daily report on hand. To her surprise, the room is unlit. Her vision, however, did not fail to see the man resting the back of his head against the chair with his eyes closed. As if on drive, Alina slyly neared the man, still curious as to why such a grumpy boss has soft angelic features when asleep. She set her things on the chair across her resting superior before finally letting on the urge to decrease the distance between the two to take over her feet. She just unconsciously gawked at his manly features ever so closely. She was able to disregard it on their past encounters but if she had put closer attention to him, she might be able to like him at first sight—he has that kind of unexplained, mysterious appeal towards Alina.

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