Chapter 8

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Saturday morning. Alina blankly stares at the ceiling wearing same clothes as last night, only this time, she has a borrowed jacket on. Alina tries to remember whose face she saw last. "Lucian," she murmurs. "He must have drove me home."

Although she was drunk, the events of last night were clear to her—Atlas's rejection and Lucian's warmth. Feeling embarrassed, she decided to pretend to have forgotten the memories once she faces the two.

She checks on the phone on her bed-side table and sees that it is almost noontime. She then jolts up and starts her morning routine.

Just as she had put her plain white summer dress on, the doorbell rang. Alina thought the impossibility of the guest being her parents as they probably have the key so she came downstairs with extra caution. She timidly peeks on the window and found a familiar male figure dressed in black sleeveless top and green Khaki shorts. He shyly hides his arms from Alina's view. She opens the door nevertheless. "Hey Atlas. What brings you here?" Alina forces a smile.

"About last night—" the guy hesitantly begins an awkward topic.

Just before it resumes, Alina jumped in, "Yeah, last night was really a blur. I must have drank quite a lot."

Atlas paused as he blankly stares at the lying Alina. "I just came to check if you went home fine."

Just before Alina grabs the chance to reply, a familiar female outburst was heard, "Well, well, if it isn't a Fritz sapling?"

A couple walks towards the porch. Both teens turns their attention to the newcomers. "Mom, dad," Alina acknowledges, "you're home early."

"Ah, we missed you a lot that we pulled an all-nighter just to finish our work," Ellen says as she finally settles just beside Atlas. She then twists her head towards Atlas, "It's been a while since you visited, nephew."

"Ne-what?" Alina almost scream-whispered. 'That explains his behavior last night then', Alina thought.

Ellen pulled Atlas into a brief squeeze, "Look at you grown into such a fine man. How have you been?"

"I'm doing well, Aunt Ellen," he replied shortly. Atlas then glances at Sirius and beams. Sirius returns the gesture.

"Why don't you join us for lunch?" Ellen invited the guest in.

"I'd love to."

Meanwhile, Alina instinctively steps aside, making space for the newcomers to enter. Ellen passes first with Atlas then Sirius afterwards. "Just how are we cousins?" Alina questioned no one in particular.

Sirius seemed to hear the query as he replies, "His mother is your mom's cousin, so you're more likely a second degree cousin to him." He then opens his right arm to Alina whilst his left carries a huge paper bag, "Let's go now."

Alina complies as she hugs his father and walks with him, "You've been on a lot of trips lately."

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