Chapter 1

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The sky here can make really good ideas for songs. I think I may publish an EP on an airplane. That is, if I ever get to fly an airplane again. Might as well cherish it while I can.

Maye posted the photo on Instagram with her caption below, to which she closed her phone. She looked out the lit up coast side as the airplane flew across from land to water. She wondered why the hell she hasn't flown on a plane before. On ground it's just appeared as a lonely piece of metal traveling with wings across the blue sky. But in the air, it's more than that. A secure arial view of the life below you, vastly viewing the greatness of water and mountain on the ground just has a good setting. She could sleep here easily. She sat by her boyfriend and leaned against the window, eyes half closed. It was 11 o'clock AM at the JFK International Airport in New York and all that's ahead is 7 to 8 hours of ocean to Europe, so it seems that this would be a good time to nap. She settled in and longed at the coast in front of her. She closed her eyes and drifted into a nice sleep.


Alex smiled as he watched his lover sleep at the joy of the coast. He was motivated to snap a picture to store it, but last time he was in a close encounter of a fight. Brain pictures aren't that bad either, at least. He snuggled closer to Maye when he was alerted a notification from Maye's phone. It was just a like from Instagram. But Alex swiped her phone open and explored her Instagram, just to see what it was about. He saw a caught-off-guard picture of him that she had posted with the caption, "The sky here can make really good ideas for songs. I think I may publish an EP on an airplane. That is, if I ever get to fly an airplane again. Might as well cherish it while I can." Under the tag person feature an arrow pointed to his face labeled "mysky". His emotion was filled when he closed the phone and realized it. He stood up and whispered to himself, "I'm so glad I have you," as he lied down and closed his eyes, ready for a sweet dream.

(~awwwwwww I ship it)

Shaw dribbled his leg uncontrollably as he nervously sweated next to his open seat. "I need a pill," Shaw desperately whispered. "Just one more cigarette, please..." The waitress rolled her cart as she stopped in front of Shaw and asked, "E-excuse me, sir, would you like a glass of water?" He looked over to the cups and pint of cold water on the tray. "N-no..." he replied as he wiped his forehead and turned around to his leg dribbling. The waitress replied with a questioning, "O-ok," as she proceeded to ask flyers for a drink. Shaw's eyes grew red and shaky as his unsettlement grew strong and stronger every second. "I can't do this," he thought, "I can't do this for the whole night." He stood up and got some glancing eyes as he slid his feet to the bathroom. Thankfully, there was an open men's bathroom at the end of the hall. He lowered his arms on the sink as he hunched down and began to softly moan to the locked door behind him. He shook his head uncontrollably. His huge, curly hair got in the way of his eyesight, as his eyes searched the room desperately for something his brain could rely on. In an instant he pulled out a small blade and lashed a bloody cut on his arm. And another. And another. The pain of the blood slipping out of his body gave him security and sense of the world around him, like a second drug. He sighed but cried in pain at the same time as he dropped the blade on the third sling. The blood dropped on the ground as Shaw cried softly in pain. He sat in his own blood for a good five minutes until the pain stopped and the blood stopped coming. He cleaned up the mess and rolled up his sleeve. In a sigh, he exited the door and plotted down in his plane seat. He laid down as he closed his eyes in good relief. He closed his eyes until he tranced into a small sleep with a fake smile on his face.

(so much for sweet stuff...)

Mitt folded his hands in a pout. "Dude, stop extending your arms on my seat!"

"Mitt, I'm not even close to you!" Issac signaled the gap between his elbow and his side.

"Well... You were touching me earlier."

"Mitt, stop babying! God!" Issac turned to his side and completely shut out his friend-nemesis whom he was forced to sit with. Mitt also turned to the window and watched the dark water below him. God, he wished he wasn't here. He'd rather be home geeky-eyed on some hot guy or something. But instead he was stuck with this jock. He pulled out his phone to check the time: 11:28 AM. 7 more hours of hell. He pouted on his shoulders as he watched the night sky in front of him. "Just get through it," he said to himself. "It'll pay off. You took this history class London trip for a reason, right?" He settled as he longed in the night.


Amy looked behind her as she saw an argument of two guys she hates in her history class. Idiots, she thinks, as everyone else in this plane may be to her. She front faced her camera on her phone as she smiled and fixed her hair, to which she took a picture of her self with her red lip smile. A tweet and an Instagram post at the same time, she captioned, "Livin' the life! So tired of all these douchebags on this flight," as she put a wink face emoji. She closed the phone and looked at Dess on her right, who was openly snoring. That was the kind of person Dess was: free spirited, young and free, no caring, and that's what Amy hated. She despised Dess, but was forced to sit with her on this flight. She rolled her eyes and lowered her body and sighed. She was extremely tired, but had no idea what to do. She longingly looked over at the end of the hall. And began to lose herself in her own thoughts.


It was soon enough until the lights in the plane shut off. Madness occurred. Chaos struck. Noise was unbearable. Then there was flame...


(This chapter sucked so bad, but I needed to introduce the characters, right?? Also I haven't updated the story since August. Whoopsies. I just needed some inspiration, that's all. In fact, I finished this introduction in one sitting. A really long sitting in fact, since I DESPISE introduction. I just wanna get to all the juicy stuff, yknow?

Also, I will try not to wait next august until I update the story again lol.)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2014 ⏰

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