Chapter 2: The Guest

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Wednesday morning was a slow one. The hot water in the apartment had been shut off so Vanessa had to bring some to a boil just to wash her body. Her father had left early that morning to see if he could have an extension on the bill. As usual she packed her backpack with her interesting books and went on to school. She was a little late but managed to make up for time by skipping breakfast. Vanessa tried running down the hall but instead bumped into a tall woman. "I'm so sorry." Vanessa sighed. As if her day could have gotten any worse Vanessa's backpack decided that it would give out. All of her books went spreading all over the hallway. Vanessa went chasing after her books while the students in the hallway picked them around.

The woman watched as Vanessa scurried to pick up each book, wiping the shoe prints off as she held them tight in her left arm. The woman walked over the last remaining book "Regenesis" the cover of the book read. She knelt down to pick it up. She walked over to Vanessa and handed her the book. "It is a very good book." the woman smiled. "I hope so. I just started reading it." she spoke softly. "Do you know where I can find Mr. Eurich's AP biology class in room 303? The woman in the office gave me some directions but I just can't find it." she asked. "Yeah, that's my class I can take you." Vanessa offered. The woman smiled and nodded her head. Vanessa guided the woman to her class and took her seat near the window. Mr.Eurich introduced the woman as Dr. Cara Montgomery, world renowned scientific researcher with a concentration in genetics. Vanessa's eyes grew as she realised she talked to one of her heroes. She always had read a number of her journals and was interested in becoming a scientific researcher herself.

Dr.Montgomery went and talked about her current work that she was doing. "Right now I am currently trying to figure out why the Corona virus attacks the respiratory system. My team and I are trying to isolate specific markers in our coding that makes our respiratory system vulnerable against this virus. Does anyone know what would happen if we were to do this?" she asked. Vanessa's hand shot up into the air. "You would essentially have created an immunity to the Coronavirus. Essentially creating an antidote as well." Vanessa answered. Dr.Montgomery's face was puzzled "Antidote? Explain your reasoning." she insisted. "Well from my understanding, the way that your team is going about, if you succeed with your current research you are only saving people who have not contracted the virus. What about the people who do have it? If you actually create some sort of immunity couldn't the T-cells be transferred from the immune individual to that of one who already has the virus?" Vanessa answered. Everyone had their eyes on her. Dr. Mongomery stared at her with a smile on her face. "Amazing." Montgomery finally let out. "No one on my team even thought about something like that, not even myself." She admitted.

When class was over Vanessa grabbed her books and began walking out of the class. She was stopped by Mr.Eurich and Dr.Montgomery. "Vanessa, that was an impressive interpretation/ analysis earlier. How did you know all of that?" Dr. Montgomery asked. "I just like to read. I actually want to stay focused on genetics in the future" she replied back to the woman. "I knew she was smart but the way her mind works she'll forever be bored in my class." he spoke to Dr.Montgomery. Dr.Montgomery began to empty the contents of her hbag out of the desk and handed it over to Vanessa. "Here, you need it." she smiled. "Oh my goodness. I can't. That's a very expensive bag." Vanessa rejected and politely as she could. "I insist. Plus I have more bags than I could use anyway." Montgomery reassured. Vanessa took the handbag and placed her books in the bag. "Thanks." she smiled. "Vanessa, would you like to sit in on a class that I teach down at Green Valley University?" Montgomery asked. "I would love to but I would have to talk with my father to see if we could afford it." Vanessa nervously spoke. "No it would be free, I would arrange for your transport to and from the class.. I think that you would benefit from something like this.Think about it." Montgomery spoke while handing her a business card. Dr.Montgomery headed out of the classroom.

For the rest of the day Vanessa thought about how she was actually able to have a full on conversation with Dr. Cara Montgomery. That evening when she got home her father was there waiting. "Privet,Papa guess what happened today?" She exclaimed. Her father popped up from his recliner. "Yeah" he asked in a thick russian accent. "Today I got to meet one of the most incredible people. She wants me to come sit in on her class at the university." she explained. Vanessa's father looked worried, "What's wrong?" she asked. Her father explained how a number of employees were laid off at his job. "I don't know if I can afford it." he began to cry. "No papa, don't cry." Vanessa went on. "We'll figure something out." she insisted.

Over the next week Vanessa went around looking for small work. She tutored children when she could, babysat and even went around trying to do some manual labor. At school she sat through her assigned classes trying to figure out how else she would help her father make more money. She sat at the lunch table all by herself trying to focus on a medical journal, this was the only time she really had to do things she wanted to. "Hello Vanessa." She heard a voice call. She looked up from her journal and saw Dr.Montgomery walking toward her. She faintly smiled and waved at the woman. "I was wondering why you haven't got back to me about the university?" Dr. Montogmery questioned. "I just don't have time for it. Sorry I need to sort some things out." Vanessa timidly admitted. "What does a fifteen year old have to sort out?" Dr.Montgomery asked. "I just have to help my father out with stuff. He works hard to make sure that we have. So I need to help bring in some money." Vanessa scarsley admitted. "If that's the issue I could hire you as an intern in my research lab." Dr.Montgomery offered. "Oh thats nice but..." Vanessa was cut off by Dr. Montgomery. "You have a brilliant mind Vanessa, would be ashamed to not use it. Plus who turns down an opportunity to work with world renowned Dr. Cara Montgomery. The internship allows you to get student credit and it pays well. Just think it over." Dr. Montgomery, smiled. "Why are you being so nice? " or shall I say persistent." Vanessa asked. "For one I know a brilliant mind when I see one, I know what it's like to be smart beyond your year yet to have mediocrity scattered in abundant amounts around you. My parents also worked their fingers off to help make me the way I am today." Dr. Montgomery admitted. Dr. Montgomery walked away and left Vanessa alone to ponder the opportunity.

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