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Country.boy.lucas added Sparkly_farkely to the group

M:Okay y'all since when has Riley been friends with with Nessie and Zachary?

Z:since she's and Morgan started dating.
I:yeah apparently they're in the same social group?
F: wait didn't they bully her?
L:Yup! They did which makes it even more confusing
I: Okay I hate to be the one to bring this up did Rileys most recent photo make anyone else uncomfortable?🤢🤢
M:I'm glad you brought it up cause that's really not something I thought Riley would post...
F: I know it's like ever since Morgan and his friends stepped into the picture Rileys been a completely different person it almost feels like she's a stranger.
L:I don't have a good feeling about this at all...

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