A Hint of a Plan

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Sam didn't even get a chance to get to the Bunker before Jodi's flight was due to arrive. He barely made it just as she landed. He parked and managed to get to the gate just as she walked down the concourse with her bags.

He waved to get her attention, she threw her head back and laughed, "Do you think I wouldn't spot you Sam? You don't really blend well." They exchanged a tight hug and he offered to take her bags, "All right, but only because you drove halfway across the country to meet me," she said as she handed him her heavier carry on.

"Here I was thinking I was being all chivalrous and helpful," he replied with a wink.

"Well, that too. So how's your new addition?" 

"Fine." He had called Dean to check in as he got closer to the airport and Dean had informed him that Spunky seemed to have an appetitie that rivaled Dean's own and was doing just fine. "Actually we need to make a quick stop for more food. We just picked up one of those small containers of formula earlier and she's gone through that pretty fast." 

Jodi shot him an amused glance, "You domesticated quick." 

"Wait until you see Dean with her. Trust me." They walked out the sliding glass doors and headed to the parking lot, "Find anything out?" 

She sighed, he took that as a bad sign, "Yes and no. First off, there wasn't much left of the house or the bodies you all left behind. I came up with a reasonable pretext to check in with the department in Louisiana and they said it was a nightmare." 

"Well, that's accurate at least."

"Your baby girl belonged to Wendy Appleton, eighteeen years old and recently deceased." 

Sam was shocked, "Eighteen! None of them looked that young." 

"I'd gather that makeup and spells being cast on you made your judgement a bit fuzzy," Jodi offered. 

"Do we know who the father is? Did Wendy have family?" 

They'd reached the Impala, he opened the doors and they loaded her things in the back, then slid into the front seats and pulled out of the parking lot,  

"Here's where it gets complicated," Jodi warned, "Wendy's parents, her Dad is dead and her Mom has dementia. She has an older brother who spends his time equally between prison and passed out drunk in bars." 

"Okay, and?" 

"There's no father listed on the birth certificate," Jodi answered, "I got that call right before I got on the plane. I figured I may as well make the trip since I already bought the ticket. I have the DNA kit, I can collect samples and run it through the lab to try to track down the father. Technically we should contact her brother but I wouldn't let him near an animal much less a child." 

He couldn't separate out all the emotions that battled for his attention, "Of course. Yeah." 

"Sam? What's on your mind?" Jodi was too sharp not to notice how her information had taken him completely off guard.

"Nothing, it's," He shook his head, "Let's just get to the Bunker and fill Dean in." 

"The Bunker?" 

He gave her a quick smile and then ran through a rough overview of the bomb shelter/supernatural safe haven that they had come to call home over the last few years.

Her eyes grew wide as she listened to his description and brief history of the Men of Letters. "Sounds like the best place to keep a kid who was supposed to be part of a sick and twisted ritual then. At least for now." 

A New Legacy (Book One of New Legacy SPN Series)Where stories live. Discover now