What If?

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A flutter of wings woke them,  "Cas?" Dean muttered as he struggled to open his eyes.

"Yes. I expressed to my fellow angels that I had an infant soul to take care of and they were more than capable of functioning without me for a time. How is she?" 

"Sleeping, finally," Sam answered as he looked at his watch, about two hours had passed since they got off the phone with Jodi. 

"Actually, she's not."  Cas corrected as he looked into the drawer. Spunky's eyes were open and she was very determinedly trying to suck on her toes. "She may be hungry unless it's normal for human infants to try to consume parts of themselves." 

Sam rolled out of bed and joined Cas, "Yeah they do that. She probably could use some food though, I know I could." 

Dean groaned and stood up. "If you got her, I'll go grab some food for us. Cas, I was going to call you anyway. Can you take her and I to the Bunker after we eat?" 

"Certainly. Have you had any luck in finding her family?" 

"We're working on it." Dean replied as he rubbed the last bit of sleep out of his eyes. "Sam?" 

"I got her. Go wake up and get food." 

Dean wearily nodded, grabbed a change of clothes and headed into the bathroom. 

"How's her soul?" Sam asked Cas. 

"Recovering rather well actually. She is doing much better than I expected." 

"Kids are pretty resilient. You'd be surprised what they can adapt to and recover from," Sam said, remembering his own trauma filled childhood. He fixed a bottle for her, warmed it up, picked her up and held it to her lips, "Hungry?"  She tried to focus her eyes on the nipple of the bottle and push it away. 

"Hey, you got some ground to make up. Have a little anyway," Sam rubbed the bottle along her lips and she eventually opened her mouth and started to eat keeping her eyes fixed on his face as she did so. She raised one little hand and waved it at him. "Who the hell could offer her up as a sacrifice?" Sam muttered as he smiled at her. 

"Some people cherish power over anything else," Cas answered as he watched the two of them, "Even the feelings they should have for their own offspring." 

"I just don't get it." 

"Me either," Dean said as he rejoined them, looking much more awake then before. "Back in a few. You may want to change her too. You want your usual for breakfast?" He asked as he threw on his coat and grabbed the keys. 

"Yeah, but no more coffee man. Juice or water." 

"For once, I actually agree with you on food choices," Dean said, "Stomach's not handling that much caffeine well these days. Cas?" 

"I'll stay with Sam." 

Dean nodded, turned and walked out. They heard Baby's engine start and then fade into the distance as he drove off. 

"What's bothering you Sam?" Cas asked. He tried to keep from hearing the brother's thoughts as much as possible out of respect for their boundaries but Sam was so unsettled that it had been obvious to him the instant he'd appeared in the room. "It's not just the situation you found her in." 

Sam rocked her gently as she drank from the bottle, looked up at Cas and tried to find the words, "We should be turning her over to the police and moving on. Dean doesn't want to and I kind of don't either. I know they do their best but...well she's been through so much already. We have a cop friend meeting us at home in a day or so but who knows where that will lead." Spunky pulled her lips off the nipple and turned her head, "Done? All right. Next part then." They had made a make shift changing area on top of the dresser and he set her on it, changed her, wrapped her back up and picked her up again. "I think you need a bath soon kid." They'd cleaned the blood off her face as soon as they'd gotten to the hotel last night but had been too preoccupied with making sure she made it trhough the night to think of giving her a bath. 

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