I sipped my coffee and she made herself some.

I was so sleep deprived that I struggled to fight falling asleep.

At the last hour I woke up on the couch with a blanket covering me.

"Shit!" I cursed as I got up and looked to see that everything was done. I checked the time to see that I had slept a total of 30 minutes.

"Lauren..." I looked at her to see her sipping her coffee, dark circles under her eyes which matched mine.

"You didn't..." I looked around.

"I did." She spoke.

It was now 8 o'clock and the girls were waking up.

I had gotten only half an hour of sleep but it was worth it.

"Y/N, you should really go back to sleep..." Lauren spoke, her having slept a total of 8 hours.

"I'm fine, Lo." I said, rubbing my eyes and smiling when I heard the twins' footsteps racing down the stairs.

"MOMMY!" I smiled.

"Hey babies!" I felt a little wobbly but otherwise okay.

When Camila came down she looked at me and then the food, then back at me.

"Y/N..." she spoke and I waved.

"Shes only slept half an hour, Camz." Lauren said, making Camila's eyes go wide.

I went upstairs to go get ready, stumbling a bit.

A yawn left my lips as I undressed.

"Y/N, baby you should rest." Camil's soft voice spoke.

Her hands slowly running over my exposed skin.

"No, Camzi I'm fine, I promise." A sigh left her lips.

"You've barely slept, baby... that's not good..." she said, kissing my cheek.

"I just care about you, my love. I want you safe and healthy." She spoke into my ear, making me smile.

She left a lingering kiss on my temple and left me to get dressed.

I walked downstairs at exactly 11 when the guests started arriving.

Lauren took out the food after it was heated up to keep it nice and hot.

I took out the turkeys with the help of Lauren and moved onto the hams.

"Y/N! You did all of this?!" Demi asked, amazed.

"I was waiting for you to chicken out and ask for help!" She said, eyes wide.

I chuckled, my makeup covering the dark circles under my eyes.

"I had a little help." I spoke, looking at Lauren and mouthing a "thank you."

She smiled, giving me a chaste kiss before making sure everything was perfect.

Lauren and I both had that in common.

When everyone got here we were about to say grace when a special someone arrived.

"Blue!" I exclaimed as I ran to her, lifting her and spinning her around.

"Y/N!" She smiled widely, giggling.

"She insisted we stop by, and by the smell of that food I want to thank her." The familiar voice filled my ears, making me look up to see the one and only Beyoncé.

Screams were heard and Dinah and Mani rushed to her.

"Guys! Stop! I think she gets enough of that daily." I said, pulling them away from her.

"Thank you, Y/N." She smiled.

I smiled back.

"Y/N/N! Can I meet the twins?!" Blue asked excitedly, making me smile.

"Of course, little one!" I spoke and brought her to them.

Hugs were shared as the three got along great, although there was a little age gap.

I smiled and watched them play until we all said grace, eating and chatting.

Blue was sat with the twins, discussing cartoons.

I watched as Mani and Dinah talked with Beyoncé, giving me a subtle glance as to say "thank you."

This day was filled with thanks.

And I wouldn't have it any other way.

That was until Lauren made a toast.

"Id like to have everyone's attention please." She spoke, her hand in Camila's.

"We know this day is for giving thanks. So I'd just to like to say thank you, to everyone here and most of all to Y/N. She makes my heart swell every time she does something like this. She's so selfless and sometimes it can be a bad thing. For instance, only getting thirty minutes of sleep last night." She scolded me, making everyone laugh and me to blush.

"But that's beyond the point." Camila took off where she left.

"Y/N, we want to show you how much we love you, and what better way than giving thanks to the man above. So god, I want to thank you for this beautiful, passionate, loving woman in front of me. I-no we love her so goddamn much... and what better way to show it than this?" Everyone gasped as both girls dropped to one knee.

"Y/N, will you make us the happiest women alive and marry us....again?" Lauren blushed brightly.

Tears filled my eyes and for the first time in years I felt that I could trust them, both of them.

"Yes!" I spoke and everyone cheered.

They slipped the ring onto my finger.

"I'd like to take this moment to also say something..." Demi stood up.

"Lani... I know we've had our bad times, but the good times I'll always remember. I know you're pregnant, you don't have to hide it, baby. But will you Marry me?" Gasps once again filled the air as Demi for on one knee.

"Yes!" Demi slipped the ring onto Lani's finger.

Way to steal the spotlight, Demz.

I'm just kidding!

We laughed and had lots of fun.

Would I probably regret moving to fast with the girls? Yes.

But did I give a fuck? Nope.

I'm happy, and that's all that matters.

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