Hotel Del Luna

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We homed ghosts.
Before, I was scared
if these things would make
me whole night wide awake
but later, the horrific sense
of dying welcomed me
to love your lost soul.

We stayed and lived
to Guest House of the Moon
hoping it could comfort
our pain, we held our grudges
so much tight and we were
but tied up to Moon Tree,
we won't move, we were stuck.

Those Evening Primroses from you
were displayed inside the museum
of coffins and those sprouted
leaves and flowers on your eyes,
they beautifully danced and fell,
withered and died, but still,
the fragrance kept us unhealed.

We were drunkards at the bar
and thought that liquors
could wash down our throats
and speak sorry to each other
like a sudden rush of wind
and yeah, we slept in Room 13,
we heard echoes of cry and scream.

We viewed the full moon
when we were on the sky tower,
I deeply knew, we were staring
beyond its moonlight, we wanted
to see our own lights and smiles
once more but the more we desired,
the more it felt it must not be.

Seeing you off was like
a fleeing firefly into wild,
I thought letting go of you
was as easy how you lied,
when you crossed Sanzu River,
you never looked back
until miles made mending mist.

We made living ghosts
and they are wandering
around and everywhere, inside
my mind, reside in my heart
and I am just wanting them
to gather everything I have
and leave me okay, someday.

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