𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙴𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗

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"What do you miss about your home?"

Zuko started, the question had been unprompted, breaking the silence of La'kea rolling her hands around his left arm. Pulling glowing water around some sore muscles he had acquired from their sparring matches.

He thought about it for a moment, eyes on the water wrapped around his bicep, "My father's respect."

Her undignified snort showed she had been expecting that, he could feel her dark eyes on him. "I was talking about the food maybe, or your old room."

The prince turned his head away and spoke softly, "What do you miss?"

La'kea felt her face fall, she knew he was trying to ask it as nicely as possible, but when she pictured her home. All she could see was her mother's dying gasp, or the news from another slave, of the mine that had collapsed with Oliana in it. "I... I guess miss the warm beaches."

"The Fire Nation has beaches," He protested, sounding like she had insulted his beaches.

She grinned, "Not like my island. The sand is so soft under your feet it's like walking on clouds." The prince rolled his eyes, but didn't argue with her.

The door to his cabin suddenly opened, and Iroh stepped through. Zuko crossed his arms, much to the waterbenders complaint. "For the last time, I'm not playing the tsungi horn."

His uncle only held up his hand, but it was his worried expression that made her put the water away. "No, it's about our plans. There is a bit of a problem."

An unfortunately familiar admiral stepped into the room, Zuko unconsciously put his shoulder in front of La'kea. Zhao smugly smiled down upon the pair. "I'm taking your crew."

"What?" The prince demanded, pushing himself off the wall to march over to the admiral.

The admiral tucked his arms behind his back, "I've recruited them for a little expedition to the North Pole." She reeled back, quickly trying to comprehend what this meant for her.

Zuko turned towards Iroh, "Uncle, is this true?"

"I'm afraid so," The old man replied, "He's taking everyone- Even the cook."

She stifled her gasp, hand flying up to her face as Zhao turned his sinister grin towards her. "That includes your little waterbender. Since it's a mission to the Northern Water Tribe, I suspect she'll be plenty useful."

Iroh had to intervene to stop his nephew from tackling the admiral, the older man just turned away. "Sorry you won't be there to watch me capture the Avatar, but I can't have you getting in my way again."

La'kea walked over to the prince's side, heart hammering with what this could mean. If Zhao did capture the Avatar, he would not ask for her freedom like Zuko had promised her. No, he'd probably do something much worse. She shuddered.

Zhao took down one of the broadswords from the prince's wall, "I didn't know you were skilled with broadswords, Prince Zuko."

"I'm not," He said, she glanced at him from the corner of her eye, wondering why he was lying. "They're just antiques, decorative."

The admiral ran his hand along the blade, "Have you heard of the Blue Spirit, General Iroh?"

"Just rumors," The old man insisted, "I don't think he is real."

"He's real alright, and a criminal, an enemy of the Fire Nation," Zhao handed off the sword to Iroh, before making his way towards the door. "But I have a feeling justice will catch up with him soon." He paused at the door, "General Iroh, my offer to join the mission still stands... If you change your mind."

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