♥16♥ Tower of Wishes Arc - Unbreakable sword

Start from the beginning

"Katsuki...!" Eijirou genuinely thought they will really leave Yuuki behind! "If you had no intentions of leaving without her, why didn't you just tell her?" 

"Idiot. When you draw a doll, you don't draw the organs, do you? Even if I don't tell her I am waiting, she will know." 

On the other side of the gate, Yuuki as seeing the floor boss. She's a very attractive woman. Long straight black hair, she's wearing a navy blue kimono with red spider lillies embroided all over the kimono, the kimono showed off her bare shoulders and half of her breasts. She's smoking from a pipe and she smirked at Yuuki, "Are you sure you want to fight me, little girl? How harsh for the men to leave a woman behind...this is going to be your grave. What can a mere human do against me, Higanbana of the spider lilly demon?!" Her left eye released a red aura, and it flickered like the flame of a candle. 

The spider lillies were releasing the same red burning-like aura too. However, the aura did not touch Yuuki. 

"It takes a demon to smell another demon out." Yuuki's not a human. Katsuki and the others did not leave a human behind. They left a demon behind. Just like how Higanbana use Magic to manipulate her aura, Yuuki could do the same thing too. 

Higanbana was enraged; Katsuki and the others left a demon behind! 

"What is a demon doing on the side of the humans?!" When she blew out the smoke from her pipe, she turned some of the spider lillies rise up as monsters with the head of a red spider lily.

Yuuki was not afraid one bit. Just like a wolf, she tore through each and every flower monster Higanbana brought to life. Her own aura shrouded her body, she moved like a four legged animal as she moved in for the kill. 

Higanbana just sat there in the air, calmly smoking as she watched Yuuki claw through the red spider lily monsters. She's not worried one bit about how Yuuki was defeating them one by one until they're nothing but torn up flowers. 

Yuuki wondered if it was a bit too easy to kill for enemies. By the time she finished killing the last red spider lily monster, she looked up at the floating demon. 

"Congratulations. You've guided all the red spider lily servants of mine to their final destination. Do you know what the final destination is?" 


"That's right. All living things comes to an end, the cycle of life repeats itself all the time. No one, not even a human can fight against death. Eventually the soul will return as a reincarnation. Rise, my white spider lillies! Avenge your fallen comrades!" 

The white spider lily monsters rose up from the ground and they were much quicker, faster, and more bloodthirsty than the red ones. 

Yuuki dodged the onslaught of incoming attacks with her speedy reflexes. However, when a red monster came up behind her, she kicked it to death but she received a jab into her side by a white spider lily monster. She pressed a hand to her side, she had been stabbed. 

"Hahahaha! The more of the red monsters you kill, you make the white ones more faster and more powerful! Now...dance for me!" 

It was getting harder and harder to kill the white spider lily monsters while at the same time avoiding killing the red ones. Yuuki was getting hurt in all directions. If she did not use her aura to keep herself protected, she would have been stabbed to death. 

Higanbana was laughing out loud knowing that she will become the victor, "Now that I focus my senses on you...you've only recently become a demon. You might have a demonic aura around you, but you were originally human, aren't you?" Higanbana made a disgusted face at Yuuki, "Here I thought you were a demon just like me but it turned out you are nothing more than a human who sold her soul to come back as a demon. You are an embarrassment to all demons and you will die without your friends hearing you cry or seeing me take every ounce of life from you! My loyal servants, get her!" 

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