"We are sorry Dad, but you can't ban us from fighting. It is in our blood." Rina said throwing her arm over her brother's shoulder. Rina was the talkative one, she was the one that spoke for the two, she was not afraid to speak her mind while Kirill was quiet. He only spoke when seen fit always analysing and cooking up plans in his mind. The boy was too smart for his good, everything he did was always well calculated, most people feared Rina and they should because she was a psychopath waiting to explode but he was something else, he was something so much worse.

Klaus pulled both his children hugging them tight placing kisses at the crown of their heads.

"Dad! Come on." It was Rina trying to slip out of her father's grip before he squashed them both.

"What? You are too old for my kisses now?" Klaus picked her up kissing her hair over and over again.

"Yuck!" Everyone cracked laughing.

"Now go apologise to your mother," he said pushing both of them as they stared at the floor in shame seeing how their beautiful mother's face was wet with tears, face red with worry.

"We are sorry mommy, we promise not to fight again." Harley was shaking her head not taking any of it. She did not understand how her beautiful children acted like lunatics. Had she done something wrong? She had tried to keep everything away from them always being there showing so much love but the more they grew up the more she saw how they matured faster, growing violent with every passing day. It scared her at how they craved power and strength. Her beautiful boy looked as if he had been pulled out werewolf movie nearly surpassing his father's height. She blinked her tears away trying to calm down.

Her boy was the one who cupped her cheek pulling her tiny body into his embrace as he held her to his chest placing a kiss at the crown of her hair.

"Sorry mama," He said his voice laced with such emotions he had her sighing feeling her anger washing away. This little boy could get away with anything and it irritated her. Rina joined in laying her head on her mother's shoulder.

"Sorry mom,"

Now how could she stay angry?

Another set of strong arms wrapped around them all. He was their protector, he was their sun, their anchor, the head of the family. The connection in this family was so strong all of them willing to lay their life for the next. They were bonded in such a deep way. Love, respect and honesty was their motto as they pulled through everything.

"We love you guys," It was Rina again feeling so much warmth with her family shielding then from everything that could be lurking in the shadows.

"We love you too my beautiful children, you guys are our life." Klaus said squeezing them a bit tighter not getting any complaints back.

"Okay, you guys stink so please take a quick shower, dinner is ready."

"Dad cooked right?"

"No Rina, I did, do you have a problem with that?" Harley asked staring at her daughter who was stifling a laugh.

"No mom, we love your cooking." She said running out of the room before her mother would bust her laughing and pinch her poor ears.

The two teens took quick showers in their rooms before pulling something on and making their way down the stairs of the humongous castle they called home. Rina stepped out the elevator being immediately greeted by the scent of delicious food. Her feet carried her to the dining table that had been set up with everyone sitting around their family table. She took her seat listening to catch what they were talking about as her mother burst into laughter her face brightening making her heart beat faster at how beautiful her mother was, at how much she loved her poor mother and just could not imagine everything she had gone through. The Roderou family was rooted in honesty so as soon as she could understand they told her of how Klaus had adopted her after what her father had done and that had been the end of that relationship .

"I just had to get out, I applaud you brother, taking care of a baby is not as easy as it seems." Alejandro said shaking his head nothing but exhaustion written all over his pale face.

"But hands down, there is no kid that could throw a fit like Czarina. Dear beautiful niece you would wake up the whole house leaving all the guards uneasy at how loud you cried." Alejandro continued causing Klaus and Harley to laugh, hands reaching for each other.

"Andro, don't even remind us then came Kirill he barely cried. He would just stare at you with his calculating eyes as if he was taking notes."

They all laughed as the night went on with laughter filling the brightly lit room even the guards chirping in now and again telling stories of their own. After saying goodbye to Alejandro and washing dishes together they all cuddled by the fire all laying on Klaus's chest wrapped in a large two in one blanket sipping their cups of hot chocolate as they listened to their father reading a book they had picked up titled ' The Idiot' by Fyodor Dostoyevsky that had them hooked from the first line. They did not care much on the book, it could be Barbie and her squad for all they cared but it was how they all lay together holding each other's hands patiently listening to their father's voice as the tale sprung out of his tongue. This was what they had done since they were babies, this was tradition they all loved so much, and this was family. They were at peace, safe and warm yet Rina could not help but think of the present that had been left in their mail box for her. She had opened it eager to see what was inside yet she was left frozen with nothing but hate filling her inside. The nicely wrapped box with a necklace inside, one name carved there, her name, the name she hated more than anything ' Vintagè'.

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