chapter 2

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I had seen so many operations but this one had me pacing, my hands were sweaty as my heart drummed.

I didn't know what to do, I didn't know what to say which was something that never happened to me.

Harley lay at the operating table as the doctor tried to take the bullet out.

" If I pull the bullet more to the right it will pierce her heart, if I pull it further to the left it will puncher her lung," the doctor had said which had made me more anxious.

" If she dies, you die. " I simply stated. The old wrinkled doctor just looked up at me with his brown dull eyes and continued with his work.

The door opened as Ruse walked in, he walked closer to me.

" Sorry sir but Tom is asking to see you." Ruse said.

" Tell him I am busy," I said back

" Yes sir but he said it was really important. " Ruse continued.

" There is nothing more important than Harley right now so tell him that I will see him when Harley is out of operation." I said irritatedly.

" I know sir but....." Ruse argued

"Ruse do you want to lose your head." I said turning to stare at him with a deadly stare.

" No sir but he was quite persistent." Ruse continued, he was so stubborn that one.

I turned to the door and stormed out of the room.

"This better be important," I said to Ruse as I got in the elevator and he pressed the seventh button.

The elevator which was made from reflective materials started moving. We got to the seventh floor and I walked out of the elevator , passed the stairs , walked past the receiving room to the living room.

Maids had already started scrubbing the floor, the carpet which had been stained with blood was taken out.

Tom stood just next to the white couch looking like he was about to shoot himself. I stood ahead of him and waited for him to explain himself.

" Sorry Don Klaus but I wanted to personally give you this." Tom said as he picked up something that looked like a baby's car sit.

"What is that?" I asked him perplexed.

" This is Czarina Nikita Vintagè, the daughter of Harley and Rafael." Tom said.

I stretched my hand to take the handle and looked at the sleeping baby. She was so adorable and tiny, too tiny . She was curled in as her hand were folded into fists. Just one glance and my heart melted, she looked so much like her mother.

" Please protect her and Harley." Tom said

" You know I will protect them with my life even in my grave." I said honestly.

" Please tell Harley that I had to leave, the people who had attacked us at the parking lot want to kill anyone that has to do with Rafael especially his child. Everyone has been slaughtered in the Vintagè mansion and my family is next, I have to take my siblings to safety before they catch us." Tom paused and looked at his feet .

" Please tell her that I am so sorry that I got her involved into this and that I couldn't protect her." Tom continued.

" I will tell her," I said back.

" Thank you for everything, you're a good man." Tom said.

I was definitely not a good guy, there were no good guys in this industry.

" Be safe" I said then Tom turned and walked out as my man walked him out.

I watched the door close behind him then my eyes went back to the child sleeping with no knowledge of what was happening around her.

" Ruse," I called out.

Ruse came rushing to my side.

"Please order everything and anything that a baby needs from the shops from the city. Tell them that I want them delivered before the sun rises." I said to him then walked to the elevator , got in it and went to my room.

The elevator doors opened to a very dimly lighted passage with many doors at each side. There were paintings here and there, vases with roses . The floor was covered in an ancient rug which was coloured; gold and silver.

I walked to the room at the end of the passage and walked in. The whole floor was mine with only certain guards and maids allowed . Everything from my study , gym , library and many more were found there.

Walking into the room I switched on the lights then went to draw the curtains close. After that I sat the baby in her car seat on the bed then just took a deep breath. I really needed a drink but I didn't drink up because I was baby sitting. Everything was just happening all at once and I needed a moment to just breathe.

"What will I do with you little one," I said to the sleeping baby before taking her and walking out of the room to the clinic.

I walked in there only to find the doctor sewing up Harley.

" How is she doing doctor?" I asked .

" She took it like a champ but since she had gone through another operation a few days ago she will take time to recover and will probably be out for days. I will check on her now and again just keep her on bed rest and give her these pills." The doctor said as he pointed to a whole batch of pills.

"Thank you doctor," I said as he washed off his hands.

"Please clean her up so I can assist you to move her and set up the equipment where she will be staying." The doctor continued.

I went to the wall by the door and pressed the intercom " Alina come down to the clinic, bring down two girls and carry an outfit from Nicole's clothes. " I said.

Alina was my head maid, sixty-five years of age. She knew every inch of this house and had served my father well along with myself.

After five minutes the door opened and the ladies walked in.

"Yes boss," Alina said looking at me with her grey curly hair, grey tunic and black shoes.

"Can you please clean this lady up but be sure not to touch her where she is bandaged, call us when you done." I said as I turned to the doctor.

"Please can you check on the baby while we wait for them outside?" I asked.

"Sure," the doctor replied.

We walked outside and left the ladies to do their job.

I put the baby down then scooped her up my hands shaking as I had never held a baby before and this baby was so tiny.

In the attempt to hold her she woke up and started crying which made me almost jump and drop her on the floor.

" Did I hurt her?" I asked the doctor nervously as my heart beat in my throat. I had never carried a baby before, I didn't know it could be so scary.

" No, not really. Babies cry when they are woken up from their sleep, they have a different way of expressing themselves." The doctor said mockingly.

"Support the head but be gentle and support the spine. Babies are fragile and you wouldn't want to break her, do you?" The doctor continued.

What have I gotten myself into, I thought as I transferred the bawling baby into the doctors arms.

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