Chapter 10

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We got back the mood having turned sour since our conversation.  We sat at the car listening to it as it sped over the paved one way road, awkward silence filling the car as I looked outside as the trees disappeared one by one.

"I am sorry for my outburst Nicole," I finally said turning to face her.

"its okay," she said back concentrating on the road.

"So when leaving the compound be sure to take the road we took before straight and not this one or your car will be toast." Nicole said as I looked at her confused, I hadn't even noticed it was a different road they looked the same. I thought she would explain further but she didn't, she was really a bad teacher.

My eyes trailed back to the trees and out of nowhere I saw a blur, something black had just passed us at great speed causing our own car to shake and me to jump up in shock.

"What the fuck!" Nicole screamed as I held my chest where my heart was hammering right now.

"What was that?" I asked Nicole.

"I am not sure, it was too fast for me to catch It." she said back as I looked back out of the window of our slow moving car. The sun was setting soon and the sky was turning all sorts of beautiful colours.  I bit my lip as I shivered, my T-shirt was wet whilst there was a cool breeze grazing my dry skin.

We reached the circular drive way only to see a black tinted sports car standing by the steps.  As we got closer I could see that it was a McLaren P1 LM. It was quite a beauty to look at if you we're into race cars and all that.

We parked behind the car and took our stuff walking barefooted and got off our car.  The doors of the mysterious car open and out walked a tall well-built man all in black,  he was wearing black sweat pants,  a black leather jacket zipped up to the top,  black leather boots tightly tied up to his ankle,  black gloves and a black beanie over his head holding a blue leather bag over his shoulder.

He gave the keys to some boy who got in the car and drove it to the garage, the man started walking taking long strides to the steps in front of house.  He looked mysterious and dangerous, I walked to the steps as Nicole walked behind me.  The man's cologne still lingered in the air; a woody scent, it was like being in the forest early in the morning, so refreshing and nice.

I walked up the stairs and the door was opened for me by the butler who then bowed his head as I passed.  I walked to the closing elevator quickly and placed my hand in between the closing doors only for them to stop and open wide. I got followed by Nicole who stood by me.

I was shocked to see who was in the elevator, I turned to look at him.

"Klaus," I smiled as he returned the favour.
He was my mystery man, his was darker, tiredness written all over it.  He had a few scratches and a dark mark on his cheek with bits and bits of dried blood.
I gasped "God, what happened to you?" fully looking at him now.

"Some business, " he said back and that was the end of the conversation from the looks of it, he turned to my side.

"Nicole," he said and I saw Nicole turn to look at him.

"Klaus," she said back before turning and looking ahead and that was that.  There was suddenly so much tension inside the elevator, even the temperature dropped I swear as I tried listening to the background music playing in the elevator. It seemed like hours as we stood there Nicole fidgeting with her hands causing me to become anxious really.  What was up with these two?

Finally the door opened and I released a breath I didn't even know I was holding.  Nicole was the first to shoot out followed by me then Klaus, Nicole was walking faster as I trailed with some distance between us.  Just as she was about to walk in her room which was four doors away from mine I heard Klaus's husky voice "Dinner at seven"

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