"Well lets make this a rescue mission and not a recovery." Q told me as we pulled up behind a Rose Gold colored Rangerover. It was four cars in front of us. Wow this car show is a big thing then....its definitely a front for the biggest criminal to have kickback.

About 25 minutes we pulled into a park and stepped out in matching Tom Ford suits and Q gave me a nod signaling all his personal problems was to the side. We walked over to the door as a sexy ass latin bitch asked me for my name.

"Deuce plus one" I told her as she looked down the list as she smiled, "You may go in. Cocktail hour happening in the main bathroom until 3 PM. Enjoy. The car show starts at 5." We walked in and Q mumbled, "Damn. This shit looks like a palace." We walked down the hall and went into the main ballroom and saw men and women chopping it up having drinks. We walked over to an empty small circular bar table.

"How may I host you? What drinks do yall want?" We heard a familiar voice. We looked over at the waiter and seen Roddy all dressed up in a black suit and Q chuckled, "Your ass hack your way into any damn event."

"Shut up and order. I had to stash my gun in the bread holder in the kitchen. When I came here with KohnCatering we got vetted and went thru security check."

"Two Remy and Redbulls...and where do Hector think you at?" I asked him smiling to play off appearances. Hector and Roddy always had a tight bond and I knew Hector would allow him to help him without him feeling less of a man...when Roddy forced me to bring him on this trip he told me Hector would be good. I let Roddy leave because this lift triggers his PTSD from war but he loyal to a fault when it comes to me and my men. That crazy nigga is literally one call away.

"Jury Duty. Alicia my crib. Two Remy and Redbulls coming up." Roddy told us as he walked off and Q exhaled, "Now I feel really good. Three is better than two. Do you even see Mister Bass?"

"Not yet, but Im looking." I told him.

"Alright Imma go to the bathroom. Keep your phone in hand Deuce."


"Bestfriend!" I screamed as I walked into the hospital cafeteria and over to Kareem. We quickly hugged and he grabbed my hand and chuckled, "Lets have lunch on the outside tables. You are too loud for an inside voice." We walked out onto the back patio and hugged again. We sat down and I went to pulling the Benihana from the bags. He exhaled, "This smell fucking amazing. I am so hungry. I couldn't even eat after last night."

"Oh my jaw dropped reading those messages. So does he look like you or Q..or better." I asked as he hit my arm and I laughed.

"Aren't you like dating Eli?" I asked him as I responded, "Confession we haven't talked about any of that. The last two weeks have been short of normal. Ive just been there for him as he been trying to get back on track—I mean the dick good so there is that."

"Just dont string him along...if you have no"

"Stop! We both havent brought it up sooo we are going to keep satisfying each other sexually until we have that conversation" I told Kareem cutting him off as we started digging in. I picked up a shrimp on a fork and asked, "So did you speak to Doctor Flank?"

"Its been busy today. I am hoping to go before my lunch break is over....its so weird he haven't called my mom." Kareem explained as I heard the tone of voice he was using. He felt some type of way.

"Stop it...your mother isn't lying. Have faith in her. She came to get checked up so whats the hurt in finding out what she already knows or getting better news than she expected."

"I fear if the news is better she will want to keep that from me to not have to begin a fight she didn't intend on." Kareem told me. I squinted at him as he dove deeper into that plate.

Its A Thugs WorldNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ