Chapter 17

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"You're Jimin's--"

"WHERE'S MY SON?! IS HE OKAY?! ARE YOU--hey Mrs. Kim" Jin bursts through the door

I saw how Jimin sighed in relief. Are they hiding something from me?

"Hi Seokjin, don't worry Jimin is fine but I'm disappointed you didn't tell me sooner, I'll let my husband know this as soon as possible" she said and I looked at them confused

Maybe family problems? I don't want to interfere because that's just rude.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Kim" Jin said and sat beside Hoseok who was quiet since I came

"What's wrong with Hoseok" I asked Taehyung who was smiling like an idiot at his phone

"Dunno, Jisoo...pregnant...positive?" I looked at him and his eyes widen when he realised what he said

"Wait, Jisoo is pregnant?" I asked and the others snapped their heads to our direction

"WHAT?!" Jin and Hoseok said

"No! No! That's not--uh! This is your fault Jeon jungkook" he muttered

"But you said?" I asked

"My sister is pregnant?! Damn that girl, I thought she's virgin" Jin said massaging his temple

"How? We didn't even have sex!" Hoseok said befire pickinv up his phone

Hoseok is walking back in front while his phone is on his ear. Trying to call Jisoo I guess. Mrs. Kim and Jimin is just watching confusingly.

"Finally, you pick up...are you pregnant?! You're not serious right?...but Taehyung said...wait, what?!...are you pregnant or not?...maybe this--is what?!...I don't understand?...what?...just say yes or no. Are you pregnant?...really?...okay, okay. I'll call you later" he sighed and hid his phone in his pocket

"What did she said?" Jin asked

"She doesn't know. She took a two pregnancy test just to make sure but the results were different " he said

"You mean the other one is positive while the other is negative?" Mrs. Kim asked and Hoseok nodded

"Did she used the same brand? Some brands can't be trusted tho" Mrs. Kim asked

"She did" Hoseok said

"Eh? That's weird. You didn't even had sexual intercourse. Set an appointment with me later. I'll check if she's pregnant or not...same goes to you Park, I'll check if the the baby is healthy or not" she said but I didn't understand what's the last sentence because she lowers her voice.

"Thank you Mrs. Kim" Hoseok and Jin said

"You're welcome. What about you Seokjin?" Soeyeon asked

"I'm not pregnant Mrs. Kim but if I am I'll let you know quickly and Mom says hi" he said and smiled at him

Why are they talking about pregnancy? I'm not that comfortable when it comes to this topic. I mean all of them can bare child except for me and Hoseok in this room.

I want to be a father, yes but I want the love of my life to carry my child. I want to be a good father and I'll make sure they will always feel loved and protected.

"What about you Taehyung? You already have a boyfriend! Why didn't you tell me? I want to meet that young man as soon as possible" she said strictly and Taehyung rolled his eyes

"Mom! We just started dating and we didn't do anything other than kissing! I'm still virgin not like others" he said teasingly

Jin and Jimin glared at him. Wait, Jimin is not a virgin anymore? But I want to be his first! If we are in a relationship and if he's ready of course. I don't want him to force on anything.

"I still have my hymen!" Taehyung added

"You don't have a hymen Taehyung, you're a boy" Mrs. Kim said

"Okay" he said before paying attention to his phone again

"Mom, Taehyung's boyfriend is younger than him" Jimin jokingly says and Taehyung glared at him.

"How old is that kid?" She asked

"He's not a kid!" Taehyung said while pouting

"Yeah, he's not a kid, he'sa fetus" I said and Seoyeon gasped

"Since when did you become a pedo?!" She asked and Taehyung whined

"Ahhh! I'm older by two years! Two years Mom and you call me a pedo?! Nopeeeeee" he said stucking his tounge out

There's a knock on a door and Hoseok came up to open it. It's a boy holding a plastic filled wuth foods. Taehyung's face lit up and jumped on the boy.


He clings onto him like a koala so Jungkook carried him and put him on the couch carefully. He bowed at Mrs. Kim before setting the food down the table. He walked towards Tae and hugged him.

"I miss you" Taehyung said while pouting

"We just saw each other an hour ago" Jungkook said chuckling


Eew, all this lovey dovey makes me want to puke. Too much diabetes!!!

Mrs. Kim cleared her throat so Jungkook and Taehyung looked at her. Her arms crossed while eyebrow raised.

"Who has the audacity to flirt with my son in front of me?" She asked

"I-I'm sorry Mrs. Kim" Jungkook said scooting far from Taehyung which caused him to frown

"Kook! Don't mind her, come here!" Taehyung said while making a grabby hands towards him but Jungkook flashed an apologetical smile towards him.

"You're the fetus?" Mrs. Kim asked and Jungkook looked at her confused

"Can you repeat that Mrs. Kim?"

"My pedophile son is talking about his fetus boyfriend, are you the fetus?" She asked and I saw how Jimin held his laugh

"Mom! I'm not a pedophile! Aish! I hate you Chim" Taehyung sulked

"Love you too" Jimin said blowing a flying kiss toward him

I pouted and crossed my arms. I'm not jealous okay? I just want him to do it to me!!! I'm not jealous, yeah.

"No seriously, is it true that you're in a relationship with my son?" Mrs. Kim asked and Jungkook nodded before standing up

"I do Ma'am" Jungkook said respectfully

He's standing straight and looking at the wall. Taehyung is biting his nail while looking at Jungkook. That's a bad habit I tell you!

"But she's not a priest and most importantly this is not your wedding" Jin interrupted and Mrs. Kim laughed

"What's your name young man?" Mrs. Kim asked

"Jeon Jungkook Ma'am" Jungkook said and her eyes widen

"Wait! You said Jeon right? You're a Jeon?!" She asked and we looked at her confusingly

"Yes I am, anything wrong Ma'am?" Jungkook asked

"Nothing. Your mother is Jeon Jiyoung right?" She asked and Jungkook nodded.

"That woman! Why didn't she tell me that she has a son?! Who's your father Jungkook?" She asked

"Uh Jeon Jaehyun Ma'am " Jungkook said

"I knew it! Haha!!! Your mother owe me 100,000 won!!! Yahhhh" she shouted that startled us

"Mom! You know jungkook's parents?" Taehyung asked and his mother nodded

"Of course! She is my best friend after all and we're planning to arrange our sons into marriage that means you two will get married soon" she said as if it's a normal thing

"We what?!"

Not proof read:)

Sorry for grammatical errors:(. Anywayssss be safe okay?! You here me? I'm your mother, obey me. Stay safe, lovelots my sunXine!


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