Chapter 1

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Fine, but I want to fucking know soon or I'm going to kill someone myself!


A hand shakes Izuku awake and he groggily lifts his head as he opens his eyes. Izuku looks out the window as he feels the collar around his neck. The gold and black design work and perfect fit make it a very good looking collar. Izuku's wearing his suit from the wedding and it's slowly become less comfortable as the hours have gone on. Outside it's dark and the car is driving through a forest quickly. The rain started a few hours after they left and it's been non-stop since. While it's not a dangerous storm, it is a consistent rain. Izuku yawns and looks over at Bakugo in the dark car. He is also wearing his suit with a concentrated look on his face as he drives through the rain towards their destination. Bakugo's hand lays on Izuku's leg and gives it a light squeeze as he flashes Izuku a smile.

"We're almost there Izu. Sorry for waking you." Bakugo says.

Izuku groans softly and shifts into an upright seated position before replying, "It's okay Kacchan... I've been sleeping for too long anyways."

Bakugo chuckles and changes the radio station before looking at his phone again to check the map. Their destination has been an eight hour drive and it's definitely worn down the both of them. After a few minutes, Bakugo turns on the blinker and turns into a hotel on the edge of a small town. He pulls the car up in front of the lobby and opens his door.

"Lets go check in." Bakugo says with a tired smile.

Izuku sleepily gets out of the car and waits for Bakugo before they walk to the door together. The door slides open and they step inside. The fancy hotel has white tile floors with light brown walls and a tall ceiling lined with a white molding. They make their way over to the counter and Bakugo gets out his phone to show the worker their reservation. The worker scans their reservation and frowns before looking at Izuku and then at Bakugo and sighing.

"I apologise, but your reservation has been automatically canceled." The worker says.

"WHAT? Why was it canceled!?" Bakugo demands.

"The system reported one of the registered occupants having been marked abandoned. Izuku Midoriya." The worker says with a hint of annoyance.

"That's wrong, he isn't abandoned. I'm his dom!" Bakugo shouts as his anger slowly builds up inside of him.

"Well, I'm sorry sir, but the system has him marked abandoned and therefore we can not rent a room to him. You could rent a room for yourself, but he has to leave." The worker says as she gestures to Izuku.

"He is not abandoned! I just told you that damnit!" Bakugo screams as his rage begins to bubble over.

The woman hits a button on her desk and the manager walks out of the back room with an angry expression before stopping next to the woman and whispering something in her ear. A few seconds later she whispers something back and he nods as he looks at Izuku with disgust.

"You need to leave, abandoned trash." The manager says as he stares at Izuku before adding, "Or I'm calling the cops."

Izuku looks at Bakugo with a bit of fear and Bakugo grabs Izuku's arm before looking at the manager with pure rage.

"My husband is not trash or abandoned. HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO US LIKE THAT." Bakugo screams before turning and stomping back out to their car.

Bakugo pulls out his phone and dials Todoroki's number. A few seconds pass before he picks up the phone with a groggy moan.

"Yes, Bakugo?" Todoroki asks.

"Why. Is. Izuku. Marked. Abandoned?" Bakugo asks, holding back his pure rage."

"Izukus marked abandoned?" Todoroki asks with confusion.

"Yes. Why the fuck is he marked?" Bakugo demands again.

"I... don't know. I'll check with Shinso in the morning." Todoroki replies groggily.

"Fine, but I want to fucking know soon or I'm going to kill someone myself!" Bakugo aggressively hangs up before walking over to Izuku and hugging him.

"You're my amazing, beautiful, and submissive husband. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise." Bakugo comforts Izuku as he begins running his hand through Izu's hair.

Izuku nods slowly as he hugs Bakugo back with a sad sigh. Bakugo leads Izuku back to the car and gets into the drivers seat. Bakugo gets out his phone again to call Momo, who answers within a few rings.

"Yeah Bakugo? Why are you calling me so early?" Momo asks.

"Are there any hotels in this town that allow abandoned submissives?" Bakugo asks with annoyance clear in his voice.

"I'll check, give me a minute." Momo replies as Bakugo can hear her getting out her laptop.

"If not then we don't have a place to sleep, I guess we'll have to cancel." Bakugo says with a hint of sadness as he glances at Izuku.

"So what, the hotel straight up refused you since he's marked? That's fucking stupid." Momo says as she is searching.

"Yeah, they were fucking rude about it too! Called Izuku abandoned trash! Like what the fuck is wrong with them!" Bakugo says with his rage leaking out.

"Sadly there aren't any..." Momo says, obvious disappointment and sadness in her voice.

"Damnit! I guess we're driving back then. We won't be able to make it to the honeymoon at this point!" Bakugo says as he starts the car and begins to pull out of the parking lot to drive back home, "Thanks for looking Momo. You can go back to sleep."

"No problem... Sory for your honeymoon getting fucked." Momo says as she hangs up.

Bakugo sighs and puts his phone away as he glances at Izuku. The sad look on his face tells Bakugo all that he needs to know about how Izuku's feeling about it.

"I'm sorry for it getting fucked up Izu..." Bakugo says with grief in his voice.

"I... It's okay, kacchan... It's not your fault." Izuku says sadly as he puts his head down against the window as he heads back to sleep.

Bakugo stops at a gas station and fills up the car before getting a soda, a monster, and a coffee to prepare for the long night drive. He puts the car in drive and begins speeding his way back home as he drinks some of his coffee.

The night got ruined, but it can't get much worse from here right?

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