Snow Day

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Today it's snowing.... bummer. As a little girl I always loved the snow. Growing up with a sister right by your side was always the best part though. We always laughed and cherished the moments we had together but now that's gone. I could still remember when Anna and I were younger and she would always knock on my door saying
I would usually respond no or comment how late it was..
Anna Go Back To Sleep
But the skies awake so I'm awake
Thus we adventured out till who knows how long and build snowman, rode sleighs and did all that.
But today means no school thank god. Anyway I feel like today would be agreed day to write and finish my song.
The snow glows white on the sidewalks tonight not a soul to be seen
A town of isolation and it looks like I'm just me
The wind is howling like the swirling storm outside
Couldn't keep me in heaven knows I tried
Don't let them in don't let them see
Be the girl you always came to be
Conceal don't feel don't let them know
Well now they know
Let it go
Let it go
I am one in this lonely eyeeee
Let it go let it go you'll never see me cry
Here I stand in the light of day
Let the storm rage on
This town always bothered me anyway
I sniffled and cried my heart out pouring empty words on the paper in a notebook till I couldn't anymore and that is the story and beginning of my life.

Hey guys hoped you enjoyed this chapter I know so short and all but I promise I will keep updating asap.. Sorry for the delay lol I've been so busy cramming with tests midterms and all uhhh screw school and common core anyways sorry for the long wait hope you enjoy this chapter cause there's more to come bye my Djs (lol new nickname aye)

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