Chapter 3💖💖💖

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Hey guys thanks for reading my story, I am so happy rn,
And please don't forget to vote and follow,
Thanks again.

Oh come on don't give me that look Sasha,"he said with a scowl on his face,
If you came to disturb me Derek, it isn't going to work okay?" I said trying not to smile, I actually love Derek's attention but only Vera knows that,
Yeah Derek leave her alone,"vera said and i couldn't hold it anymore, I chuckled not smiled remember when I said I never smiled not even a bit.

Whatever, Sasha your sister and I are going for a party wanna come?" He said with a smirk plastered on his face,and immediately he said that vera face beamed up with delight,
He knew I hated parties, I didn't like people and he knew.
Omg Sasha let's go," Vera said with hope in her eyes, she loves parties so much, she goes for a party every Friday she was obsessed,
No no no, I am not going for any party!!!!" I said while glaring at her vera, sometimes I wonder why she is my bestfriend.

Oh come on please Sasha, I promise you're going to enjoy it, am not leaving your side pinky promise," she said whining. I hate when she wines it disgusts me.
Yeah Sasha, just come." He said.
Why and what do you want me to do there?" I asked him, hoping he won't answer.
You have never been to a party Sasha you only live life once you know,
And I had to agree not because of him because of vera I am beginning to think she is toxic for me.....


Omg am so excited for tomorrow's party!!!" she screamed in delight,
Please, it will just be like every other party don't get too excited or I will change my mind." I said and immediately her smile turns into a frown.

Help me pick a dress would yah and stop moping like a statue vera,

And you could say it a little bit nicer Sasha,

Well I am not going to say please, because you don't deserve it,

She looks at me and just shrugs her shoulder, going into my dressing room, I never enter that place Mary is the one who arranges my outfit.
Sasha come inside!!!

Coming," I said walking towards the room.

You have lots of clothes you have never worn Sasha, but you keep on wearing black that's all," she said throwing a pink dress at me,
Well that's what I like, and I am not wearing pink or yellow, I hate those colors." I said throwing it back at her.

Okay but you're not wearing black,

Fine with that,

Purple will do it really brings out your beauty,

Okay purple it is, she gave me a short dress,

I can't wait to see how it will look on you Sasha.

What are you guys doing," silver said with a smile, my dressing room is right beside her room she could hear our voices,
It is none of your business, get out," I said with the harshest tone I could find in me at that moment ,she looked so hurt but like I said I don't care,
Sasha," vera said while pushing my head to the left, we were just looking for a nice gown Sasha could wear for the party tomorrow, that's all," vera said smiling she liked my sister so much and I didn't know why, but I was disgusted by that, my sister wasn't there for me when I needed her the most, so she was part.

Sasha is coming for the party? She said with a smile this was my first party so I guess it was a huge deal to them,
Yeah I am now stop moping and get out of my room, sliver!!!" I screamed, even her presence disgust me.

Okay am sorry, I just wanted to tell you that if you need anything you could meet me you know I am your big sister, immediately she said those words I felt like kicking her on her face but I just held it because I knew vera would leave me for her.

Okay now you have told me, get out," I said pointing my finger  to the door, she left with a small smile on her stupid face.

That was rude Sasha, you know she is older than you." Vera said with no emotion on her face this only happens when I fight with my sister in front of her.

Just forget about it, she doesn't even care a bit.

Maybe she does.

Just forget about it okay!!!" I said rolling my eyes at her,

Okay fine, I will.





Its okay," I said leaving the room.


Sliver's pov

Mum, Sasha is going for a party with me and Derek." I said as a smile grew on my mum's face, she was always sad because of Sasha, Sasha was never home and when she was home she never spoke to us she was always in her room.
Really she is," I was brought back to reality,
Yeah she is, I just hopes she doesn't change her mind." I said looking at my phone.
Your father just built another company in LA, great news right?
Oh great," I said standing up from the couch, just then I hear a car drive in.

Who is that?" She says and I stare at her with a confused look, the door opens.
What why are you looking at me you haven't seen me before?It was Sasha she comes home late but not by this time it was 12am for goodness sake.

Sasha where are you coming from by this time?" My mum asked and I was pretty sure Sasha heard what she said but she just walked out on us. My mother face went back to the way it was before I told her about the party.

We heard the door close and I heard another sound, my mother crying.

Mum its okay," I said as I hugged her. I didn't like the way sasha treated us not even a bit. She always treated us as if we were nothing to her, and it really pains me. I took my mum to her bed room and placed her on the bed, giving her a good night kiss. I watched her for like five minutes, I eventually left her room and went to my room changed to my nightwear and went to sleep.
Praying that everything could just end.


Okay silvers POV isn't long, I know but she isn't the main character sooooo.
💜💜💜 what's your favorite color mine is purple😀😀😍.
And please bear with me I am not good at describing outfits.....

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