"Hey you look familiar.."

The female looked up and saw the boy staring at her, she looked at him weirdly but waited for him to continue.

"Do you go to Neo high?"

"Uh yes"

"I'm Chris, I think you're in my math class.."

"Oh Christopher, correct?"

"Yea, did you get the homework?"

"No, i don't bother doing it"

She blatantly answered, clearly not wanting to continue the conversation any longer. The female sitting next to him looked annoyed.

"Thanks for our coffee, you can leave now"

The other girl spat at Minhyun. Min looked at her with her eyebrow raised, looking offended, but then a smirk appeared on her face


Min spat back rolling her eyes and turning on her heel heading back to her spot behind the counter. Taking a slow sip of her coffee she had abandoned because of Johnny.


While Minhyun was serving the couple, Johnny was talking with Renjun.

"What's up Renjun"

"Nothing much, just wanted to ask how it's been here, haven't been here in a while"

"It's been pretty good, my helpers are here and they keep me company so it's good. Kinda missed seeing you drawing at the table in the corner everyday though, glad to see your back"

"Yea, classes have been keeping me from coming here, with all the homework"

"At least you're get good grades Jun, I know someone who doesn't"

Johnny snickered just thinking about the girl in the back and how frustrated she got when she realized she failed another test and came to Johnny to complain about it.

"I'm sure they're just having trouble understanding this bull shit, it's stupid sometimes, well most of the time actually"

"Mhm, but you gotta stay there, or you'll end up working at the convenience store with Kun"

"Kun's smart, how did he even end up there?"

"He's just waiting for more money so he do what he wants, he says he's fine where he is though"

"Oh, well get back to work hyung we can talk another time"

"Okay Renjun, see you later"

The younger boy nodded and he turned and headed back for the table in the corner. Sliding back into the seat and relaxing before picking up the pencil again and finishing the 2nd part of the drawing and moving on to the next. The older male watched the younger and turned around heading back to where he was before with Min.

"Hey idiot how's school?"

"Call me idiot one more time, I dare you, I have Ten's ig, kakaotalk and number"

"Damn, you're crazy...anyways your grades?"

"You think they just magically went from a C to and A+ in a week? They're still the same"

She shook her head at Johnny, not believing his stupidity.

"Well, how about friends? Any new ones?"

"Eh, I have a couple new friends I started talking to on kakaotalk, they added me into their group chat by accident"

"How does that even happen"

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