Captain America:The Return

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Even though Tony was back and better than ever , something was disturbing them all- the absence of their beloved Steve Rogers . 'Can't we bring him back? We could use Dr. Strange's help.' said Sam. As soon as he said so, a loud voice said ' So what is going on ,my dearest friends? Do you plan to bring someone back? 'The avengers could hardly believe there eyes ,it was Thor ! He was wearing his usual armour and was holding in his right hand, Stormbreaker ,his best weapon, and in his left hand he held Mjolnir,the ancient Asgardian hammer. 'It is a good idea to get Doctor Strange's help to bring back Steve ' he said after hearing all the details from Sam. 'So let us call him.'said Sam.' Not so fast ' a voice said . It was the doctor himself! 'I have to go to the Ancient one to get the Eye Of Agamotto as Thanos had destroyed it .' He was clearly ready to travel back in time and bring back Captain America. All the arrangements for the process was made and as Stephen(Dr. Stephen Strange)was putting on the helmet, Sam asked 'Will you be able to persuade the Ancient One to believe you?' The grim answer was' The Ancient One knows the future. ' In two seconds he was back ,holding the Eye Of Agamotto in his hands. He put it on ,opened a portal and went straight to Captain America. As he heard the plan , he said ' That's fine, but can I get Peggy back too ? '
'Of course you can' answered Strange.
'Well then I am ready to be Captain America again. ' he said. As he was brought back there was no longer any melancholy in Sam's mind.' The ending should always be a great one.'he thought. Even Thor was happy and was invited to join them again. At this point James arrived, he was astonished to see Thor there .'I went to New Asgard to see you. They said that you are on the Benator ,I went there and got to know you had left just half an hour before. Now you're here . I am totally confused. And now Cap is back , nobody informed me of this. Why??'he said. All the avengers could hardly control their laughter. It was a really great ending.

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