Reappearance Of Black Widow

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After Steve's return the avengers could hardly feel sad but they understood quite well that Widow was the missing link . Thor was fingering his axe and was wondering how to bring her back.
'We need to keep the soul stone on her to bring back the soul.'he said.
'But how are we gonna do that? We don't have the soul stone with us .'said Hulk
'We need to see Steve when he was giving back the stone.'said Tony. 'And talk to him and after taking the stone we are to put it to use .'
'So let's get to the portal and get her back. ' said Sam
'Not so fast .'Hulk said ' We have to fix it up. Even the van is not working. '
'We need to connect it to a power source. ' said Scott ( Scott Lang aka Ant-man ).
'Then do so ,for heaven's sake.'said Tony.
'Okay, okay I'm doing it.'Scott said.
When the work was done, they assembled in the machine and in a few seconds arrived at  Vormir .
'We are here to meet Steve and talk to him about giving us the stone. Wanda , pick up Widow's body and see to her wounds .'said Steve.
'Who are you? What do you want? ' asked a voice,  they turned to see Red Skull .
' We don't need to answer to you . 'As soon as he said so, there was a minute's silence and a heavy blow aiming Steve's head. Fortunately, he dodged it easily  and knocked Skull out with a blow.
As soon as Steve from the past  came,  they talked to him and he agreed. They used the soul stone on Widow and a loud cheer was heard from Thor as she opened her eyes.
' Where am I?  'Clearly , she was dazed . She was brought back to Avengers Base and was told everything in detail. It was a large achievement for the Avengers to bring back Widow.  There was only one other avenger left ...........

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