Bellatrix whipped around and shot a spell at the Snatcher holding the sword. The sword flew out of his grip and landed in her free hand. "Where did you get this?" She asked, her voice low and menacing.

"I found it in her bag," the Snatcher said, pointing a finger at Granger.

Bellatrix strolled up to her, bringing her face so it was inches away. "Then I think we should talk. Girl to girl."

"There's no need," Draco said, trying to bring his aunt's attention back to him. "I was the one that took it from your vault. She was only holding it for me."

"It's obvious that you can't be trusted," Bellatrix said, keeping her eyes on Granger. "But I can persuade her, I'm sure. Take everyone else down to the dungeon. Now!"

The Snatchers grabbed Harry and Weasley, dragging them kicking and yelling. Draco locked eyes with Harry for just a moment—terror was in his eyes and Draco was sure that his eyes mirrored that—before he disappeared down the hall.

"This isn't necessary—" Draco started but Bellatrix held up a hand.

"Lock him up in his room," Bellatrix said. "The Dark Lord will want a word with him when he comes."


His father cut his mum off. "We have to, Narcissa."

His parents each took a hold of an arm and practically dragged him upstairs. When they made it to his room, Draco sat on his bed and crossed his arms.

"You can't keep me here," Draco said. "I won't stay and even if you lock me in here, Voldemort will kill me anyway."

His parents flinched. "Don't say his name," his father snapped.

"I'm not going to be one of his followers," Draco snapped back. "I don't care if it costs me my life. I won't do it."

"Don't be stupid," he replied. "He's going to win this war and you don't want to be on the wrong side when he does. You're already marked anyway. There's no going back."

"I. Don't. Care," Draco spoke, slowly as if he was talking to a child.

He pulled out his wand and pointed it at Draco but his mother got between them. "Enough, Lucius! Let me have a word with Draco alone."

His father looked like he wanted to argue but his mum gave him a look so he left. His mum sat next to him but Draco wouldn't look at her.

"Draco, sweetie, I know you're upset—" she started and Draco scoffed. "But, I was just trying to protect you."

"Protect me by letting me be tortured. Really solid protection, Mum."

"If I would have stepped in then he would have hurt you even more. It wasn't an ideal situation—"

"None of this is ideal. The only comfort that I got these last ten months was being away from all this. If you really care about me then you would let me go."

"To be on the Dark Lord's bad side is the surest way to get yourself killed, Draco."

"And being on his side isn't really living, mother."

"It will if you turn Harry Potter in."

"I already told you, that's not him."

"Fine," his mother stood up. "Then I have no choice but to send you to Hogwarts for the rest of the year. Snape is the headmaster so he will look after you."

"Mum, please, don't—"

"You'll leave first thing tomorrow. Where's your wand?"

"The Snatchers took it," Draco muttered.

His mother nodded and left the room.

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