big Connie speaks #1

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lmao what is that title-

okay so let me explain somethings.

so first off, you need to understand that there are two certain types of regression for age regressors, full regression and half regression.

full regression is when you're fully regressed and in the mindset of a child, you feel this kind of mental shift and you mentally are at the age a of a child although you don't need to know the age (I don't know my age when regressed so im not gonna focus on that.)

half regression, is when you're regressed, but only half way, you still have big thoughts and can function as someone your age, because you haven't had that mental shift. your brain isn't regressed completely so you can feel regressed, but you aren't completely.

until today I only experienced half regression, which is one of the reasons why I used "baby talk" in text. it helped me to feel smaller. but I couldn't fully regress. the thing is, is that I thought I was fully regressed. but then I learned about the whole mental shift thing I talked about so I asked someone if you can regress without having that, in short, no. so we talked about it and I figured out that I was only half regressed.

so, today I set out to fully regress, and even though my negative thoughts tried to fight it, it happened!

the thing is though, is that when you fully regress you tend to not have to regress again for a while, sometimes a few hours, until the next day, or until the next month.

since I've been able to fully regress I no longer am at that half way point and I don't need to be on this account as much.

with that being said!

I wanted to share my "big space" account because I trust you all, and I want to get to know you guys outside of this whole regression thing.

the only person that knew my account before this was chi, we were actually friends since sometime in 2019.

I'm just going off on a tangent now.

anyways my "main" I guess is -mugendai

be warned, I have some not so nice opinions on that account, not bad opinions but I wouldn't recommend my opinions book if you feel the need to protect your idols from harmless opinions 💀

also, no one besides chi that follows me on that account knows about my age regression and I'd like to keep it that way so don't mention "Connie" or this account when interacting with me there, I go by Adam on there and the account has absolutely NOTHING to do with age regression.

and yes it is late here, almost 11:30 pm but I tend to stay up later when I'm not regressed so this is normal lmao. I am going to sleep after I publish this though.

with that said, 잘 자요 😴🌌

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