Potions Class

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The next day wasn't the best for Harry. Then again, what day was? He'd had another weird dream about Uncle Vernon- not as bad luckily- and woke up in a cold sweat. Thankfully no one heard him whimpering, so he was the only one awake.

At breakfast Hermione had forced him to eat, otherwise she'd take him to the Hospital Wing, which was the last thing he needed. He had eaten a piece of toast because he knew if he ate anymore he wouldn't be able to keep it down. His body just wasn't used to much food, thanks to his life with the Dursleys.

Although the worst part of his day by far was Potions Class. They had it with the Slytherins, so of course that'd make it even worse. Snape alone was enough to make Harry nearly die, but the first year Slytherins really made it awful.

The lesson started with Snape giving instructions on the potion they'd be brewing that day. Luckily it wasn't anything difficult. About half way through Snape's instructions, Harry began to doze off. His mind was completely elsewhere. He was replaying what had happened the last night over and over in his mind.

His awful nightmare. Hermione bombarding him with questions. Seamus telling her to leave him alone and...stroking his hair. It had been soothing the way Seamus played with his hair ever so gently. Harry got butterflies in his stomach every time he thought about it.

Harry luckily came back to his senses before Snape noticed his absent mind, and he got to work on brewing his potion. It was all going perfectly and he was just about to add the last ingredient when Draco Malfoy had to ruin everything. The blonde boy was so quick Harry didn't have time to identify what ingredient he threw into his caldron was. Before he knew it his caldron exploded in his face, along with all his hard work.

The entire Slytherin section erupted with laughter, but the Gryffindors all remained silent, giving Harry a look of pity. They all knew what was coming and so did Harry; the wrath of Professor Snape.

A/N)) I do not own Harry Potter!

Eh, this chapter was okay. So, my plan for this book is to not have them in first year the whole time, because I obviously want the ship to sail, and it can't exactly when they're eleven. So I was thinking eventually I'll do a time skip into their third year, and I'll do my best to make it all work out with the storyline. Anyway, hope you're enjoying this so far and I'll see ya Tuesday!

Current mood?

Stay salty,
- Angie

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2020 ⏰

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