Just Tired

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Ron couldn't help but sigh when they reached the library. It wasn't just the research that was making him sigh, however. It was also his best friend, Harry Potter.

'What's wrong with him?' Ron thought, biting his lip. 'He's acting so strange..he can't really just be tired, right? But then again...why would he hide something from us? We're his best friends.'

He sighed once more as he glanced at Harry, who was paler than Ron had ever seen him. Even paler than the time Fred and George were telling him what went down in quidditch. That's not a good sign.

"Harry..mate, what's wrong? You're looking awful pale.." Ron said as he slowly approached him. 

Harry looked at Ron, his bright green eyes wide with fear.  "Y-yeah..like I said, I'm just tired," he said, quickly changing his horrified expression to a reassuring grin. 

"Harry.." Hermione said sternly, stepping over to the two boys.  "You aren't okay..you should really go lay down." 

Ron nodded in complete agreement.  Harry was clearly out of it.  "Yeah, c'mon, mate.  Let's get you back to the common room."

Harry's green eyes widened once again, shaking his head frantically. "N-no! Guys, I'm fine really!"

"No, Harry, you're not," Hermione shook her head, her voice stern and full of determination. Like Ron, she too was determined to find out what was wrong with their friend.

Harry shook his head as he quickly walked into the library. He rushed over to a random aisle of books, popping inside and trying to act natural. "We should really research."

"Harry, please, you're starting to sound like Hermione!" Ron whined, trying to lighten the situation. That was his job after all, and he honestly enjoyed it. He liked being the trio's comic relief. 

Ron and Hermione quickly followed Harry into the aisle of books, looking around with a sigh. 

"Well, I doubt we'll find anything in this section," Hermione exclaimed, looking through a few books. 

"Probably not," Harry nodded, acting as though nothing had just happened. 

Ron decided it was best not to question Harry any further at the moment, but he promised himself he'd find out what was going on.  Him and Hermione both.

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