Please Stop

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"Harry..?" Harry perked up, hearing his name. The person asking of him was his best friend Ron, who was giving him a look of concern.

Harry had been in deep thought before, unable to pay attention to anything else. That was until Ron had said his name of course. He had been thinking about the suspicion of his friends. He really couldn't let them find out. They'd all be killed if he did. He could not let that happen.

"Y-yeah, Ron?" Harry stuttered, looking down at his friend. 'He's gonna figure it out!' He thought frantically, fear eating away at him. 

"Are you okay?" Ron asked him slowly, his expression falling when he looked at Harry. 

'No!  Please don't ask me anymore questions!' Harry thought, nodding rapidly.  "I'm fine, Ron.  Why wouldn't I be?" He shrugged and put a smile over his fearful eyes.  He was used to doing that, so it wasn't hard.  He always hid his fear. 

"You just...looked a" Ron nodded slowly, his eyes full of suspicion. 

Hermione glanced from Ron to Harry, shaking her head.  "Harry, maybe you should go rest?  We can talk about this later...Nicolas Flamel I mean," she added. 

'No!' Harry thought frantically. 'I have to hide it!  I can't give up now!  I won't let them die because of me!' 

He shook his head, sitting down in a red, silky chair across from his friends. "Guys, I'm fine," he protested, giving them a grin. "I'm just tired.  I'll be fine, besides we'll be eating dinner soon and then our curfew will be up." 

Hermione nodded, still seeming slightly unsatisfied with his answer. "Alright, well we should study for our potions test anyway." 

'Yes!' Harry thought thankfully- not about the studying of course! 'They'll finally focus on something else!' 

Ron groaned, looking down at Hermione in annoyance. "Do we really have to?" He whined.  Ah, typical Ron.  Maybe they'd go back to acting like normal?  Harry sure hoped so.

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