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Hermione sighed, tapping her foot nervously on the floor underneath the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall. It was getting really late, and their curfew was almost up. They'd have to be back in the Gryffindor common room soon, maybe even without Harry.

The Great Hall was practically empty at that point. In fact, the only students still left there were Hermione, Ron, and Seamus. Ron ended up explaining the situation to Seamus after he cut him off before, so the boy decided to wait for Harry with them, which they both greatly appreciated.

"Bet the greasy git just ain't gonna tell us where Harry is," Ron huffed in annoyance, referring to Professor Snape.

"Probably not," Seamus agreed, sighing.

"Well, we can't just get up and leave," Hermione pointed out, shaking her head. "There's got to be a reason Snape hasn't come back yet."

"Probably so we get in trouble for staying out after curfew," Ron quipped sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"What was that, Mr Weasley?"

"Professor!" Hermione perked up cheerfully, trying to make them all forget about what Ron had said. She sent the redhead a quick glare before turning her attention back to their potions Professor. "What happened? Did you find Harry?"

Snape rolled his eyes at Ron before looking down at Hermione, nodding. "Yes, I did manage to find clumsy Potter. He tripped and knocked himself unconscious. He's fine now however."

"He what!?" Ron said with wide eyes.

"He knocked himself unconscious?" Seamus echoed, looking concerned.

"Yes, are you two deaf?" Snape snapped, turning around abruptly. "Now please return back to your dorms."

"Yes, Sir," Hermione nodded quickly, standing up from her spot at the Gryffindor table. She beckoned for Ron and Seamus to follow her quickly so they wouldn't miss their curfew.

Seamus nodded as well, standing up along with Ron. They both shot glares at their Professor's back before following Hermione out of the Great Hall.

"I can't believe him!" Ron exclaimed once they were out of ears reach.

"Me neither," Seamus frowned, "he didn't give a bloody damn Harry was unconscious!"

"Well," Hermione sighed, shaking her head. "He might of. We don't know. After all, Harry is still a student." 

"I guess," Ron mumbled, still looking rather displeased. 

"Whatever," Seamus shrugged, sighing. "But did either of you notice? Snape's hidin' somethin'." 

Hermione looked up at Seamus, nodding slowly.  She had noticed.  All three of them had.  Something else had happened, which must've been the cause for Snape's late return.  But what? 

A/N)) Whelp, guess we're doing these now. 

I do not own Harry Potter! 

Umm...hi.  So what'd y'all think?  Not my best, I know, but I'm working on it okay?  Anyway, I'll see y'all Thursday.  In the meantime-

Finish the vine:
Road work ahead?-

Stay safe and salty,
- Angie

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