Did her father already told her about him? It's that why she wanted to see him and end things with him? Jesus, it hasn't even start yet.

Did she want to end things —whatever this thing is that is going on between them? Surely there's something going on between them, right? They did share a couple of kiss here and there, that's something, right? He couldn't be sure.

What if she didn't see it the same way he did? What if she wanted to tell him that it's over because she finally knew that he's nothing but trouble?

His brain keep letting out questions after questions and it start giving him a headache. He check his phone to see if he had any text message but then it rings, Danny is calling him. Sighing, he decided to end his friend misery and answer the call.

"I'm okay." He said the minute the call went through.

"YOU BITCH I WAS WORRIED!" Danny exclaim, making him which in pain, pulling the phone away from his ears.

"Sorry," He mumbled, "Listen, I'll call you later alright? I have to do something."

"No, don't you dare hang up. Samuel you better—" he ended the call. He smirk at the thought of his furious best friend on the other side of the line. He gave the store one last look before he decided to just screw it and got out of the car.

Much to his disappointment, he didn't find her. He look around the shop who seems to be pretty crowded with bunch of ten to fifteen people and he didn't find her. He wanted to leave and look for her in other places but where could she possibly be?

He took a sit on the floor, rubbing his face with both of his palm. This is where he found her. There's no other places. Surely she didn't expect him to go to the Cho's residence and find her on that study room now, did she?

Shit. Did she?, he thought.

He quickly got up on his feet nearly bumping the stacks down when Kaze's door open and he saw a familiar black hair enter the stop. She was soaking wet. Her teeth are clattering and she was shivering. She hasn't notice him yet though. She gave Kaze a sheepish smile before she turn to her right and made the eye contact with him.

Despite her surprise, she gave him a warm smile. Slowly but surely she made her way to him, the water were dripping down to the floor as she walk.

"Hi," she said when she's finally in front of him.

"You're soaking wet." he stated, giving her a confused look that make her chuckle

"Yeah, I don't know if you notice or not but it's raining outside." she gesture to the window,

"Don't you drive here?" he asked again,

"Oh no, I..." she paused, looking at the floor. "I walk here."

"What?" he could hear the clatter of her teeth as she finally failed to cover it. Realization hit him as he took off his jacket, wrapping it around her. "From where?"

"Just from my place," she replied, teeth still clattering. "It's okay, I'm—"

Without thinking, he wrapped herself around his arms and start rubbing her back with his hands. "You're freezing."

"It's fine—"

"Kira you could get sick,"

"I'm okay Samuel, really."

"I'm going to drive you home."

"What? No..." She couldn't even protest because Saga was already carefully dragging her out of Kaze's. His left hand was still wrapped around her back with his thumb slowly rubbing circles into her making her blush.

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