jrt! | first kiss!

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"Bye mom! Love you!" I shouted as I got out of car. "Bye Y/n. Be safe and stay with Jeremy the whole time." "Yes ma'am." I closed the door and walked inside the ice cream parlor and saw Jeremy. "Hey Jere." "Hey Y/n/n. How are you?" "Better now. What about you?" "I'm doing great. Do you know what you want?" "I think I might get strawberry ice cream." "That's a good choice." "What are you going to get?" "Probably chocolate." "Good one." "Should we go get our ice cream?" "Yep." We stood up and walked to the counter. "Hello what can I get for you two?" "Chocolate for me and Strawberry for her." "Alrighty." I smiled. "Thank you Jeremy." "No problem," he said with the biggest smile i'd ever seen. The man came back with both of our cones. "Here you go," he said, handing us the ice cream. I reached for the money in my pocket but Jeremy beat me to paying. He took the money and walked out the ice cream parlor and walked on the side walk. "Thank you. I call dibs on paying next." "What? You can't do that Y/n." "Why?" "Cause I already called dibs. I called dibs on paying for you for forever." "Nope. I get to pay next." "Nope. I do." "No Jeremy. I actually call dibs." "Nope. End of conversation." "Fine. I'll pay eventually." "Never." We laughed. We walked around for an hour. "Thank you, Jeremy. I owe you." "No, you don't owe a thing." "I really do. I should pay next time we do something, how about that?" "Back to this argument, I see." "Jeremy, you always pay. Let me pay!" Then Jeremy kissed me, I'm guessing to shut me up. He pulled away and smiled. I smiled back, blushing like crazy. "Y/n, I want to pay. I will pay for you, always." I hugged Jeremy and he hugged back. "Thank you Jere."

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