bh! | how you met!

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I threw my pencil down onto my desk. I sighed and laid my head down. "You okay?" "Caitlin, I hate school. It's so stressful witting an essay about swimming." "That sounds awful," she said as she sat down next to me. I looked up. "I need 500 words and five paragraphs and I have 237." "How many paragraphs?" "Five." "Yikes. Well how about we go to the library. You can get a book about swimming and a book of your choice. We'll go and relax and read. You might even see that Ben kid." "Okay, that sounds better than this." I put my papers and pencil in a folder and slipped them into my school bag. We both got up and walked down the stairs. "Mom, y/n and I are going to go to the library for a little while." "Okay, be back before dark." "Yes ma'am," we said at the same time. "Okay, love you both." I hugged my mom and we walked outside and got on our bikes and rode to the library. "I wish school wasn't so hard." "It doesn't get easier in high school." "I wish it wasn't so hard. I mean it's ridiculous we have to write about swimming. Like why not something about Derry or the history or something actually interesting?" We parked our bikes. "Because you and a handful of other people actually care about that. Everyone else could care less about Derry and the history," Caitlin said as we got off our bikes. We walked in and went straight to the bookshelves. We looked around for a book about swimming. "Found something." Caitlin walked over to me and looked at the book. "That should work." We walked over to a table and I pulled out my paper. Caitlin was reading a book about animals or something and I finished my paper within two hours. "Done." I slipped my papers and pencil back into my bag. "Okay, go put that back and go get a book that you want. We'll leave in an hour." "Okay." I got up and put the swim book up. I walked around and went to my favorite aisle. The aisle with all the books about Derry. There was one book I wanted to read but never have. I looked around for it. After a few minutes I found it. I went to go get it but someone else reached for it at the same time. I quickly moved my hand. "Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry. You can have it." I looked at the boy. "No, I can always read it another time. You should take it." "No I insist on you taking it, I don't need it. I promise." I wanted to take it but I didn't want to take it from him. "What if we read it together?" His face went red. "Uh, um." "If you don't want to, I understand. You can just have it." "No, no. We can read together. That's fine," he said with a cute smile. We grabed the book and walked over to the table I was at before. "Who's this?" "Oh, Caitlin this is my friend," I looked at him. "Ben." "Yeah, Ben." "Oh. Well did you pick out your book? We need to leave in like forty-five minutes." "Okay. Um this is the book. We're going to read it together because we both wanted to read it." "Okay. I'm going to go put this back and grab a magazine or something. Maybe like New Kids on the Block, I know you like them." "No, what are you talking about?" "It's okay. I listen to New Kids on the Block too." I smiled at Ben. "You like Old Derry and NKOTB!? You're going to be my best friend." We both laughed and read the book, both talking about what we knew and learning new things together.

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